Part of the evidence that you will be required to send when you apply for USCG vessel documentation will be proof that you are an established US citizen. Only people who have this status may apply to document their boat in the US, and if you do not have this then you will not be…

The Relevance of a Coast Guard Bill of Sale
If you’re reading this article, it’s likely because you are looking for information about a Coast Guard Bill of sale. Anytime you buy or sell a boat, it’s important that both parties fill out and submit the appropriate documentation. Not only is this required by law, but it provides the United States Coast Guard with…

Can You Track Your Journey via Coast Guard Documentation Search by Name?
Your boat has a unique history. It is unique because it is different from other boats. If you wish to unlock it, then you can use the Coast Guard documentation search by name tool that we provide. It is free to use. But make sure that you only utilize it for legal reasons. With this…

Proving Ownership with the Use of Coast Guard Documentation Number Lookup
To document or not, is the question. As a boat owner, it is up to you to document your boat or not. Documentation is a way to prove your ownership. Before, there were two ways to provide ownership — documentation, and titling. But you must only choose one. You cannot title your boat and have…
How To File With The Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Center
When you own a boat, you are likely to need to register it with the US Coast Guard. Known as vessel documentation, this is the national registry of vessels in US waters and is administered by the US Coast Guard at their Documentation Center. In order to apply to document a vessel, you will need…
Get a Replacement for Your Missing USCG Documentation
Owning a yacht or large recreational vessel like it is one of the great joys you have in life. You love to go out and enjoy vacations and day trips on the water, and you even went as far as to get documentation from the Coast Guard for your boat, so it is easier for…
Getting Coast Guard Documentation
Are you at the point where you’re looking to get Coast Guard documentation for your vessel? Maybe you’ve been looking at getting a five ton vessel for more than recreation. Perhaps you’re at the point where you’re looking to get a vessel to make money by heading into certain fisheries, coast-wise areas, and the like.…
How a Coast Guard Portal Can Help
If you are the vessel owner, you must maintain your Coast Guard boat in pristine shape. The boat gateway provided by the US Coast Guard portal is a valuable resource that, fortunately, may assist make this procedure simpler to complete. All the information and assistance that Coast Guard boat owners need to maintain their boats…
Information Available Through The Coast Guard Documentation Search
What You Can Discover from the Coast Guard Documentation Search You have several friends or family members that own recreational boats or yachts, and you have always enjoyed going out with them when they are out in the water. The times you have spent traveling have made you want to buy a boat for yourself,…

The Reasons for Paying Coast Guard Documentation Fee
Coast Guard documentation is vital for some boat owners. This document informs the USCG about the owner of the vessel and how it must be used. If you travel on foreign or domestic seas, you are required to secure it. And before you can obtain one, you will have to pay a certain Coast Guard…
Comprehensive Boat Documentation Services
At the Maritime Documentation Center, we endeavor to be everything that our name implies: the one place where you can find comprehensive boat documentation service for everything having to do with your vessels. At our site, you can find a long list of forms easily. Then, you can fill them out even easier. After that,…

Why It’s So Much Easier to Renew Coast Guard Documentation Online
It might not be the most glamorous side of vessel ownership, but making sure that all of your documentation is in date and in order is arguably the single most important element to keep track of over the course of your boat’s lifespan. Put simply, if your paperwork is not in order, then the majority…
What’s the Deal with Online Documentation?
Have you reached the point where you have to print out reams of documentation every time you want to work on your yacht? Do you wish there was a more streamlined approach to get all of the information you want, one that did not require you to hunt it out across many websites? The Online…

How to Properly Conduct Coast Guard Documentation Search in 2024?
Are you shopping for a boat to be used for your business? if you are, then make sure that you conduct a Coast Guard documentation search first. It is well worth your time and effort as it can help you find the necessary information about the boat you wish to purchase. What is the Purpose…
Changes to Coast Guard Document Renewal Cycle
If you are the owner of a Coast Guard boat, you must be aware of the modifications that have been made to the document renewal cycle. The new procedure will require owners to do their Coast Guard document renewal every two years instead of every five years as was previously required. This modification made the…