You’re out on the water, enjoying your vessel. Whether you’re engaging in coastwise trade, fishery, foreign trade, or just having some recreational time with friends and family, you’re doing what you want to on the water. Suddenly, the Coast Guard vessels show up. They stop your craft to look it over. Nothing wrong with that,…

Coast Guard Regulations Regarding Recreational Boats
If you are new to the world of boat ownership, then you might not realize just how many rules and regulations there are surrounding the vessel that you can now boast as your own. In an ideal world, it would just be a case of paying your money and getting out there on the open…

Why Every Responsible Boat Owner Needs to Know About the CG 2692 Form
If you’ve been part of a reportable incident involving your boat, it’s imperative that you make a report to the United States Coast Guard “as soon as reasonably practicable without delay.” As the fines can reach more than $30,000 for failing to do so, you will want to do this immediately. Part of the process…
Why Should I Get U.S. Coast Guard Documentation?
If you’re the owner of a vessel that operates in U.S. waters, you should consider getting U.S. Coast Guard documentation. It’s true that when most people think of the United States Coast Guard, they picture daring rescues at sea, but this military service is responsible for much more. In truth, it has much to do…
Processing United States Coast Guard Documentation Easier
Summer is already here, with sunny days emerging after a while and the feeling of the wind coming to your face with the vast immensity of the blue ocean surrounding you is closer than ever. There is, however, one more step you will need to take before setting sail: getting your United States Coast Guard…
What You Need to Know About Coast Guard Documentation Endorsements
Commercial vessels and recreational boats that plan to engage in commercial activities are required to obtain Coast Guard documentation. It’s optional (though often beneficial) for non-commercial recreational vessels to also seek USCG documentation. This legal documentation keeps track of certain important information about maritime vessels, including ownership and financial history. Another facet of a vessel’s…
How to Find Coast Guard Documents by Name
Did you know it is not too difficult to locate the Coast Guard documents by name? A computer with access to the internet and a few minutes of your time are all required to complete this task. Do you need assistance locating a document or rule that the United States Coast Guard issued? If you…
Learn About Coast Guard Requirements to Own a Boat
When searching for a watercraft to purchase, you must consider the prerequisites established by the U.S. Coast Guard. When operating a watercraft on public waterways, the Federal Government has several stringent guidelines that must be followed. Before purchasing a boat, you must be acquainted with these regulations. It is feasible to own a watercraft without…
Why Is Coast Guard Documentation Necessary?
If you own a vessel operated by the United States Coast Guard, you must understand the significance of Coast Guard documentation. Vessel documentation informs the United States Coast Guard (USCG) about who owns a certain vessel and how it should be utilized. It is required to get Coast Guard documentation for any vessel operated by…

Coast Guard Safety Requirements: Secure on the Water
Are you a boat owner looking to securely explore the open waters? Keeping up with Coast Guard safety requirements is key for any vessel out there. Knowing and fulfilling these requirements can ensure not only your own safety but also that of any passengers who may be accompanying you on your journey. This guide will…
Have You Forgotten to Renew Your Registration?
Have you forgotten something? You may have been busy enjoying the open water, fishing, water skiing and soaking up the sun. It can be easy to get lost in being on your boat and enjoying that freedom. You have spent time exploring the seas and haven’t thought much about your registration since you got your…
Find Your Vessel Using Coast Guard Documentation Search
Knowing how to conduct a proper Coast Guard Documentation Search can be a really helpful tool to help you out if you own a pleasure boat, a fishing ship, or a diving vessel. While this information is freely available on the US Coast Guard website, it might be difficult to find what you are looking for.…
What is USCG? And Other Questions Answered
Our site was designed to make it as easy as possible to access all of the documents that you need for your vessel. Vessel documentation, while often necessary, can be a bit confusing. There are some words, terms, and ideas that may seem a bit confusing, particularly at first. That’s why we have professionals on…
The One Place for Coast Guard Vessels Registration
If you’ve ever shopped for something online, then you know how hard it can be to find the exact thing that you want. Sure, when you go online, you’ll be able to find so many different options and be exposed to things that you didn’t even know existed. However, it can be difficult to find…
Checking Your Status through Coast Guard Documentation Search
You are the proud owner of a boat, and as such, you want to ensure that your vessel is constantly in compliance with the rules set out by the United States Coast Guard (USCG). You are in luck since many tools are available to assist you with the Coast Guard documentation search of your yacht.…