How to File a Boat Registration

Do you own a boat in the United States? If so, what kind? If that’s the case, you may be interested to hear that the law mandates you register your yacht with your state’s government. If you fail to comply with boat registration, you may be subject to monetary fines and additional penalties. We’ll fill…

Checking Boat Registration Requirements for Your Particular Vessel

If you’ve just bought a boat for the first time, boat registration requirements and regulations can seem confusing and onerous at best. Of course, they can seem that way if you’ve owned boats for decades. When we built our site, we designed it to make it easy to fill out all of the forms, yes.…

US Vessel Registration: After the Process, Then What?

We see it all the time with the vessel owners who come to our site: you finally get the boat that you’ve had your eye on. Then, using the Maritime Documentation Center, you’re able to get your vessel registered. Elated, joyful, and content, they go about using their vessel in the manner they intended. Perhaps…

Everything You Might Need for Boat Online Registration

Boat online registration can be confusing. For many vessel owners, it can feel like a pop quiz that there was no way to study for. It’s natural to get overwhelmed by all of the different forms that you have to fill out, the deadlines, and so forth. We get that. Indeed, that’s why we built…