Boat Online Registration from Practically Anywhere

“I know I have to get my boat registration done, but I can do it later.” If you’re like so many vessel owners, you’ve probably had that thought. In fact, you’ve probably had it multiple times in a day. That’s perfectly understandable, as there’s nothing exactly fun, glamorous or exciting about filling out your boat…

Ship Documentation and Endorsements: Using Your Vessel How You Want

Do you know how you want to use your vessel but aren’t sure about the corresponding form of ship documentation? Are you filling your initial documentation application and have made it to Section J that asks for “Endorsements for Which Application is Made?” When you get your vessel documented, you have to pick an endorsement.…

Watercraft Registration and Safety on the Water this Summer

Here at the Maritime Documentation Center, our focus is on watercraft registration and documentation. Our site was built specifically to make it easier for you to take care of all of your watercraft document needs in a single place. We want you to be as safe as possible when you get out on the water.…

How to Use Our Boat Online Registration to Save Time and Money and More

Our boat online registration site has always made it easier to register your boat and fill out other forms of documentation. From the very beginning, that’s what our site was designed to do. We saw how difficult and time-consuming it was to fill these forms out by hand, so we wanted to find a better…

The Process of Watercraft Registration Made Easier

Purchasing and owning a boat places responsibility on your shoulders. The maintenance of a vessel of any size can take time and money, but it is necessary so you can keep the ship seaworthy and safe. Beyond that, you also have responsibilities when it comes to the paperwork involved with your boat. You may have…