Step by Step Guide for a Boat Bill of Sale Form

It’s vital to ensure you have all the proper documentation before buying or selling a boat since doing either of those things may be an exciting process. Because a bill of sale form for a boat is one of the most critical papers involved in the transaction, it is essential to have a solid understanding of…

What Is A US Coast Guard Documented Vessel Bill Of Sale?

If you are planning on selling your boat, you will need to do your research about the US Coast Guard documented vessel bill of sale and how it might apply to you. These documents can be the best way to settle your connection to a vessel and ensure that you are not blamed for any…

When You Need A Documented Vessel Bill Of Sale

Buying a second-hand vessel is the most cost-effective way of saving money when you are investing in sailing vessels. If you are negotiating with a seller to purchase their vessel, you should know that you will need to have a documented vessel bill of sale from them so that you can register the vessel in…