Buying a boat may seem like a huge undertaking, but it isn’t that hard if you know what you’re doing. If this is your first time acquiring a boat bill of sale, you’ll find some helpful hints in this article. It’s a large investment, so give careful consideration before buying. That’s why we made this…
Bill Of Sale for A Boat: What Do You Need It For?
When purchasing or selling a boat, you’ll require a Bill of Sale at some point in the process. Ownership, the amount paid, condition, and any warranties or guarantees offered by the seller are all documented in a bill of sale for a boat. You’ll also need this form to register with several state and federal…
Abandoned Boats in Florida: What to Do if You Encounter Them
Have you come across abandoned boats in Florida and aren’t sure about the protocols for procuring one? No worries – there’s much more to it than meets the eye. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through what constitutes an abandoned boat in Florida and touch on all aspects from acquiring one legally to understanding…
Do You Need a Bill of Sale Boat to Complete The Sale?
There are a few items you’ll need to finalize the sale of your boat when you’re trying to sell it. In order to document the transfer of ownership, a bill of sale boat is essential. Is a bill of sale boat required to complete the transaction? This isn’t always the case, of course. Bills of…
Using the Bill Of Sale for Boats to Sell Your Vessel
A bill of sale for boats should be used if you need to transfer ownership of a US Coast Guard (USCG) vessel. While transferring ownership of a privately owned watercraft and a USCG vessel has certain parallels, the paperwork required for each transfer form is somewhat different. In order to sell your yacht swiftly, you…
How to Complete and Process a Boat Bill of Sale Form
If you are the boat owner, you are well aware of the need to maintain accurate records of ownership and registration for your vessel. When transferring ownership of a yacht, a boat bill of sale is one of the most influential papers that must be included. We will guide you through the steps of completing…