How to Register Your Documented Vessel Online?

Our goal here at Vessel Registrar Center is to help as many boat owners as possible. With the use of our site, you can easily access the necessary NVDC forms for documenting your boat. But what are the steps to document your vessel? 

Documenting Your Vessel and Filling Out NVDC Forms

Registering your documented vessel is a vital step as a boat owner. It provides official recognition and certain privileges for your vessel. The process of registering a documented vessel has become more convenient with the availability of online registration options. 

Get to Know Our Platform 

To register your documented vessel online, you need to fill out the necessary forms that you can obtain by using our website. The form depends on the kind of registration that you need. We facilitate the process of your application to the National Vessel Documentation Center to ensure that it will pass and that you get your documentation for your boat. 

Gather the Required Information 

Before you start the online registration process, you should first gather the necessary information about your boat. This may include details, such as the boat’s name, official number, hull identification number, dimensions, propulsion type, and other information specific to your boat’s documentation. Having these pieces of information readily available will help streamline the registration process. 

Complete the Application 

Follow the prompts and instructions on our platform to complete the application for your documented vessel. Provide all the required information accurately and ensure that you have the necessary supporting documents available for upload, such as proof of ownership and other relevant documentation specific to your boat’s registration requirements. 

Pay the Registration Fee

The fee amount may vary depending on your vessels’ size and intended use. Make sure to pay the necessary fee to avoid delay in your application. 

Confirmation and Documentation

After successfully submitting your online registration application and payment, you will receive a confirmation message. This will serve as proof that your registration has been received and is being processed. In due course, you will receive your registration documents, which may be sent electronically or via email. 

All the Forms You Need 

Not all boats can be documented. Even if you are going to use it for recreation, you may still not choose to document it. However, with the various benefits of a documented vessel, you might want to consider documenting it and using our services to facilitate your application. 

NVDC forms

Know the Form 

Keep in mind that there are various forms available on our website. It is important to know the form you need for a particular purpose. You may use our website to obtain an Abstract of Title, request a Certified Copy of your Documentation, change of vessel name, or satisfaction of mortgage. 

If you are confused about the NVDC forms you need for documenting your boat, you should not fret. We are here to help you out. Contact us to know the pertinent forms for your purpose. Or you just browse the forms you can find on our site.