Hailing Port: What to Know, to Choose One, and More

Are you wondering what exactly a hailing port is, and how to choose one for your documented vessel? Something to keep in mind: it doesn’t have to be the port that your vessel spends most of its time at. But, it does have to be a port in the United States. In addition to all of the other forms of vessel documentation at our site, we also have what you need to change the port you hail from when you would like, too.

What is a Hailing Port and Why Is It Important for Vessel Documentation

When you register your boat, you are required to provide a hailing port. This refers to the homeport or the city and state where your vessel is registered. It is important to have an easily identifiable port, as it is displayed on the stern of your boat and is often used to identify your vessel. Additionally, this port listing helps the Coast Guard and other officials track down boat owners in case of emergencies or accidents. Of course, a strong majority of vessel owners choose the port where their vessel is docked at the most. However, that is not required. 

Marking Your Port on Your Documented Vessel

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the port your vessel hails from must be marked on both the port and starboard bow as well as the stern of your vessel. The lettering must be in block characters, at least four inches in height, and of a color that contrasts with the color of the hull. Additionally, the name of your vessel must be displayed on the transom. These marking regulations not only help identify your vessel but also ensure safety on the water by allowing others to quickly and easily see and identify your vessel. 

Changing the Port You Hail From 

Perhaps you’ve decided to move your vessel to a new port, or for some other reason, you want to change the port your vessel hails from. You can do that and so much more right here at our site. All you have to do is to click on the “Change of Vessel Name or Hailing Port” on the left side of our site. Then, just fill out the form. To expedite the process further, we’ve marked all of the blanks that you must fill out. That way, you can take care of this that much quicker. In fact, you can even opt for “rush processing/priority request.” With that, we’ll put you at the top of our queue. 

Hailing Port

Vessel Documentation for Your Journey 

In addition to the above form, you can find all of the other vessel documentation forms you might need at our site. These include not just those for changing the port you hail from, but also the forms for initial vessel documentation, renewing your documentation, reinstating it (if necessary), and so much more. To see everything that we have to offer, just click on our site.