

Due to Theft, My Certificate of Documentation is Gone. What Should I Do?

Certified Copy of Certificate of Documentation 
In the event that your Certificate of Documentation has been stolen, lost, mutilated, or similar, there are multiple ways to proceed.

Use this link to obtain a Certified Copy of your Certificate of Documentation.
Replacement Certificate of Documentation 
Another option: you can use this link to apply for a replacement of your US Coast Guard vessel documentation certificate.

Do I Have to Register My Documented Vessel with the State of Alabama?

Documented vessels used for pleasure are required to register with the state of Alabama. 

Vessels documented as commercial are not. 

According to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) Driver License Division Vessel Unit: 

“Alabama REQUIRES all mechanically propelled boats (sailboats), and boats for hire to be registered, as well as vessels documented as pleasure with the USCG. 

Do I Have to Register My Documented Vessel With the State of New Hampshire?

Most likely, yes.

According to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles, “any boat operated on the public waters of New Hampshire, including tidal and coastal waters and all inland waters, must be registered and must display the bow number issued by the DMV as part of the registration process, unless the boat is exempt as provided in RSA 270-E:4.

RSA 270-E:4 states:

“The following vessels shall be exempt from registration in this state (New Hampshire):

Sailboats under 12 feet in length, rowboats and canoes powered by sail, oars, paddles, or other human power. Any vessel which has an inboard or outboard motor shall not be exempt from registration except as provided in paragraph II.
Vessel registration in another state or country temporarily using the waters of this state for not more than 30 consecutive days.
Vessels owned or operated by the United States government.

Use this link to file for your initial vessel documentation through our site.

Do I Have to Register My USCG Documented Vessel With the State of Georgia?


According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division: 

“For boats where Georgia is the state of primary use, documentation by the U.S. Coast Guard does not exempt the State of Georgia vessel registration requirement. Documentation by the U.S. Coast Guard only removes the requirement that the state registration numbers must be displayed on the vessel. You are still required to display the valid Georgia registration decal.” 

Does My Coast Guard Documented Vessel Have to Be Registered With the State of Arkansas?

No, it doesn’t. Vessels documented with the United States Coast Guard do not have to be documented in the state of Arkansas. 
Arkansas Boat Registration Explained 
According to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, “boats propelled by sail or motor (including telling motors) of any type must be registered when operated on public waters,” but, they go on to say, “the only exceptions are: 

Vessels that are not propelled by an engine or by sail. 

Vessels properly registered in another state or using Arkansas waters for 90 or fewer consecutive days. 

How Long Will I Have to Wait to Receive Vessel Documentation?

Times vary. The NVDC works constantly yet they often have a backlog of registrations. Typically, the process takes between one month to four months, four to sixteen weeks. 

We do offer Priority Request/Rush Processing. With this, we put your documentation at the top of our queue, making it our top priority. 

Use this link to apply for initial vessel documentation.

What is an “Endorsement” in Vessel Documentation?

According to the Code of Federal Regulations, “endorsement,” in this context, “means an entry which may be made on a Certificate of Documentation and which, except for a recreational endorsement, is conclusive evidence that a vessel is entitled to engage in a specified trade.” 

Vessel owners are recommended to choose an endorsement that applies to how they will use their vessels. “Fishery” is for vessels that engage in commercial fishing operations on the navigable waters of the United States or in the Exclusive Economic Zone. 

“Coastwise” endorsements are for those vessels which transport people and/or goods on those same waters. “Registry” endorsements are for foreign/international trade. 

“Recreational”’ endorsements are for vessels that will be used for fun with friends, family, etc. All vessels can be used recreationally, but those with a “Recreational” endorsement can only be used for that purpose. 

Use this form to change the endorsement on your vessel documentation

Use this one to apply for initial USCG boat documentation

Does My Registered Port Have to Be Where I Keep My Vessel Most of the Time?

Your Hailing Port Does Not Have to Be Where You Keep Your Vessel 
While documented vessels must have a designated “hailing port on boat” or, as it’s also referred to, a “hailing port.” This hailing port does not have to be the port at which the vessel most often docks. The hailing port can be anywhere you choose, so long as it is a location in America. 

This is the port that the USCG will associate with your vessel. It will be on your Certificate of Documentation as well as on the hull of your vessel. 

Remember: the hailing port is not where the vessel owner hails from, but rather, where the vessel hails from. 

How Do I Transfer Title After My Spouse Has Passed Away?

If your vessel has a title,  you should contact the appropriate governing body in your state. 

If your vessel is documented with the USCG, then you should complete this form for Transfer Exchange of USCG Documentation

Remember: if the vessel has mortgages or liens against it, then you either must satisfy those or get the permission of the mortgage/lienholder. Submit that with your application above. 

Depending on if you wish to exchange the vessel documentation for your own (or another Representative, Estate Heir, Administrators, and so forth) then you may also need to present a Certified Death Certificate and other evidence. For further information, you can reach us at info@usregistrar.us