

What is the Purpose of the NVDC?

The NVDC exists to facilitate maritime commerce as well as the availability of financing all while protecting United States citizens' economic privileges. It does this through enforcing regulations while providing a register of vessels available, if necessary, in times of war or emergency to protect and defend the country.

What is USCG documentation?

USCG documentation is the process of registering a vessel with the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Through this process, vessels receive an official Certificate of Documentation, which provides evidence that they meet USCG safety and security standard The vessel documentation renewal process begins with filing an Application for Renewal of Documentation (Form CG-1258). This form can be found here .

What makes your documentation service the right option for vessel owners?

Simply put, we designed our entire center to make the vessel documentation process easier on vessel owners. Our site provides easier access to the USCG documentation. With our site, you don’t have to worry about missing deadlines, filling out paperwork by hand, or anything of that nature.

Moreover, our site has been optimized for mobile devices. So, you can fill out our forms from anywhere and at any time. You can start them in the morning and complete them at night. Gone are the days that you would have to schedule your time around completing vessel documentation. Instead, you can fit it into your schedule that much easier.

What’s in a vessel documentation search?

If you perform a vessel documentation search through our site, you’ll find pertinent vessel information such as the vessel’s name, its official number, flag, and hull identification number in addition to its tonnage information, service information, and dimensions.

Where can I find a vessel’s USCG documentation number?

You can find a vessel’s USCG documentation number by conducting a search at our site. You can start with the form Foreign vessel title search request/transcript of registry or simply type in the vessel’s Official Number or HIN. Then, you’ll be provided with information about the vessel such as its documentation number, dimensions, particulars, tonnage information, the date its certificate of documentation was issued as well as the date it expires, and more.

On the Certificate of Documentation itself, you can find the documentation number in the top-center of the form.

Why would I need to upload documents?

To apply for several of our vessel documentation forms, the vessel owner will need to upload their own accompanying documentation. At all times, we do everything in our power to ensure that our clients’ information is protected.

Here at NVDC Renewal, we utilize SSL encryption, the very security available today. Moreover, we’re always looking for new ways to upgrade our security, so that we can continue to provide the best services to our customers.