
Where can I find a vessel’s USCG documentation number?

You can find a vessel’s USCG documentation number by conducting a search at our site. You can start with the form Foreign vessel title search request/transcript of registry or simply type in the vessel’s Official Number or HIN. Then, you’ll be provided with information about the vessel such as its documentation number, dimensions, particulars, tonnage information, the date its certificate of documentation was issued as well as the date it expires, and more.

On the Certificate of Documentation itself, you can find the documentation number in the top-center of the form.

I Lost my Certificate of Documentation. What do I do now?

If the owner of a vessel with United States Coast Guard (USCG) documentation loses their Certificate of Documentation, they will need to apply for a duplicate from the National Vessel Documentation Center. This can be done either electronically or via regular mail.

Is your site secure?

At NVDC Renewal, we utilize the very best in website security. We understand how serious a responsibility it is for our clients to trust us with their information. Thus, we make sure that our security is as impregnable as can be. Currently, we utilize SSL encryption.

What are the requirements for USCG documentation?

To qualify for USCG documentation, a vessel must be wholly owned by a citizen of the United States and measure at least five net tons. Net tonnage is a measurement not of weight but of volume. A simple rule: if a vessel measures more than 25 feet in length, it almost invariably measures at least five net tons.

What happens if I don’t renew my vessel documentation?

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) takes the expiration of documentation seriously and imposes a number of penalties for those who have let their documentation lapse.

Depending upon the specific circumstances, those who have allowed their USCG documentation to expire may face one or more enforcement actions including fines, vessel detentions, and potentially worse.

What is an Abstract of Title?

An Abstract of Title for a vessel is a document that outlines the history of the ownership and registration of a particular vessel.

It includes information such as the name of the previous owners, dates of title transfer, and whether any documents have been filed with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) or other governing bodies associated with the vessel.

What is net tonnage?

Net Tonnage is an important measurement used in the USCG vessel documentation process. It is a measure of a vessel’s internal volume, calculated as a function of its length, breadth and moulded depth (the vertical distance between the uppermost deck to the lowest point of the hull or keel).

What is the Purpose of the NVDC?

The NVDC exists to facilitate maritime commerce as well as the availability of financing all while protecting United States citizens' economic privileges. It does this through enforcing regulations while providing a register of vessels available, if necessary, in times of war or emergency to protect and defend the country.

What makes your documentation service the right option for vessel owners?

Simply put, we designed our entire center to make the vessel documentation process easier on vessel owners. Our site provides easier access to the USCG documentation. With our site, you don’t have to worry about missing deadlines, filling out paperwork by hand, or anything of that nature.

Moreover, our site has been optimized for mobile devices. So, you can fill out our forms from anywhere and at any time. You can start them in the morning and complete them at night. Gone are the days that you would have to schedule your time around completing vessel documentation. Instead, you can fit it into your schedule that much easier.