

Who needs vessel documentation?

To be eligible for USCG documentation, a vessel must meet certain criteria such as size (at least 5 net tons) and must be wholly owned by a citizen of the United States. Vessels that meet those requirements and are to be used for certain commercial activities must be documented.

Vessels that meet the above requirements and are used exclusively for recreational or sporting purposes do not need to be documented. However, they can be documented, should the vessel owner choose to do so.

What are vessel documentation endorsements?

An endorsement determines the activities a vessel can lawfully engage in without additional permission from the USCG. It is important for vessel owners to choose an endorsement that fits their needs in order to avoid any potential fine or other enforcement action against them. Depending on the type of endorsement chosen, it may require specific labor qualifications and/or certification as well as licensing fees or proof of insurance before it is granted.

What happens if I don’t renew my vessel documentation?

USCG documentation must be renewed on an annual basis. This includes all vessels over five net tons that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Owners of documented vessels must complete a renewal application and pay the applicable fee to maintain their USCG documentation for another year. The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) takes the expiration of documentation seriously and imposes a number of penalties for those who have let their documentation lapse.Depending upon the specific circumstances, those who have allowed their USCG documentation to expire may face one or more enforcement actions including fines, vessel detentions, and potentially worse.

How often do I need to update my vessel documentation?

USCG documentation must be renewed on an annual basis. This includes all vessels over five net tons that are documented with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Owners of documented vessels must complete a renewal application and pay the applicable fee to maintain their USCG documentation for another year.

What’s in a vessel documentation search?

An Abstract of Title is important when considering purchasing a vessel. When you purchase a vessel, you want to know, definitively, that the vessel is free from any liens or claims of ownership If you perform a vessel documentation search through our site, you’ll find pertinent vessel information such as the vessel’s name, its official number, flag, and hull identification number in addition to its tonnage information, service information, and dimensions.

Why would I want an abstract of title?

When you purchase a vessel, you want to know, definitively, that the vessel is free from any liens or claims of ownership.

An Abstract of Title can provide this assurance and ensure that all past transfers of title have been properly documented. Additionally, an Abstract can alert you to any easements, encumbrances, or other issues such as unpaid taxes that may affect your vessel’s registration or usability.

Do Vessels Documented With the Coast Guard Have a Title?

They do not. They cannot. Documented vessels are legally unable to have titles. However, they do hold Certificates of Documentation instead. USCG documentation is federal law, and as such, it supersedes any and all State registration.
US Coast Guard Documentation Explained
Vessels that must be documented include those that meet the above standards and are used for commercial fishing activities on the navigable waters of the United States or in the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone). Additionally, vessels that engage in coastwise trade (transporting people and/or merchandise) on those same waters also must be documented.

Does my documented vessel have to be registered in Virginia?

No, it does not.
Virginia Boat Registration Laws
According to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, "Vessels documented by the U.S. Coast Guard cannot be titled in Virginia. Though there is no requirement that documented vessels be registered, owners may register them if desired. The registration decals may be useful if traveling to another state that requires display of registration decals."

Do coast guard documented vessels have to be registered in the state of New York?

Your vessel must be registered with the state of New York if you use it recreationally. Commercial vessels are exempt from registration. 

According to the New York DMV, “your boat is exempt from New York State registration if it is a commercial boat with either U.S. or foreign documentation.” 

Additionally, they require that vessel owners “put your registration stickers 18 inches from the bow on both sides of the boat. This is approximately the same position that the stickers are located when a boat is required to have registration numbers on the hull.” 

Do coast guard documented vessels have to be registered in Connecticut?


According to the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environment, “all vessels must be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Evidence of ownership must be submitted at the time of registration. Upon receipt of the application and fee, an identification number will be assigned and a certificate of number/registration will be issued along with two validation decals.” 

For more information, call them at (860) 434-8638. 
Vessel Documentation Through the Vessel Registrar Center 
Through our site, interested parties can apply for federal documentation for their vessel.