If you’re like most people, you’ve heard of USCG documentation, but may not know exactly what it is. It stands for “United States Coast Guard Documentation.” It can help with a wide variety of thing. People don’t often realize that. It can also be difficult and ultimately quite time consuming to fill out. It can…
What Sets Our USCG Portal Apart
If you live in the United States and own a boat, you should become familiar with the US Coast Guard’s maritime documentation center or the USCG portal. When it comes to registering and documenting your boat, this online resource makes it simple for you to do so. There are many online resources, but the US…
Efficient USCG Vessel Lookup on Our Website
Did you know that the MDC provides quick lookups of USCG vessels that may be done online? Our objective is to provide information that assists boat owners in complying with maritime legislation more readily available to them. The Marine Department of Conservation (MDC) offers a convenient online USCG vessel lookup that will inform you of…

What is a Coast Guard Documentation Number?
The Coast Guard Documentation Number is the official number of a documented vessel. This number is to be prominently displayed on the vessel, signifying its documented status. This number stays with the vessel for the vessel’s lifetime. When someone sends in their form to get their Coast Guard documentation number, they receive a USCG Certificate of…
What is USCG? And Other Questions Answered
Our site was designed to make it as easy as possible to access all of the documents that you need for your vessel. Vessel documentation, while often necessary, can be a bit confusing. There are some words, terms, and ideas that may seem a bit confusing, particularly at first. That’s why we have professionals on…
Requirements for the USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage
Mortgage Do you ever wonder what the prerequisites are for the USCG satisfaction mortgage? Whether you have to comply with USCG regulations or not, maintaining your yacht involves many critical requirements, and a typical concern is whether you can pay off your mortgage. If you own a boat, you probably know the federal need to…
Coast Guard Requirements for Boats Like Yours
Just as with clothes, a “Certificate of Documentation” for your vessel is not “one size fits all.” Yes, we can help you to get a Certificate of Documentation for your vessel here at the Maritime Documentation Center. However, it’s important to note that there are different kinds of documentation. Getting the right documentation for your…
US Coast Guard Vessel Registration Documentation and Safety
Staying safe on the water is always important. Around this time in spring, people start going on the water more and more. When you’ve been cooped up away from the water all winter, it’s natural to want to get back out there. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic going on, it’s more important to stay safe.…
Coast Guard Boat Requirements for the MARAD Waiver
Do you want to use a vessel that wasn’t made in the United States to transport passengers and want to know how to do so in compliance with all pertinent rules and regulations? Do you feel confused about how the rules pertain to foreign-built vessels? This is perfectly understandable. The Coast Guard boat requirements for…
Getting Coast Guard Documentation
Are you at the point where you’re looking to get Coast Guard documentation for your vessel? Maybe you’ve been looking at getting a five ton vessel for more than recreation. Perhaps you’re at the point where you’re looking to get a vessel to make money by heading into certain fisheries, coast-wise areas, and the like.…

What is the Purpose of the USCG Regulations Manual for Larger Vessels?
The USCG regulations manual serves as a comprehensive guide outlining regulatory requirements and safety standards for vessels operating in US waters. This manual is specifically designed for larger vessels, including commercial ships, passenger vessels, and cargo carriers, to ensure compliance with federal laws and promote maritime safety. Understanding USCG Regulations Manual One of the primary…
Our Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center Urges Safe Boating
Are you heading out on the water with family and friends to celebrate summer? Do you plan on having great parties out on the water? June, July, and August – those are the months that vessel owners look forward to all year long in North America. Warm summer sun, cool water, a gentle breeze –…
USCG Name Search Through Your Computer or Smart Device
Did you know that the United States Coast Guard (USCG) keeps a database online that lists all registered vessels and the owners of such boats? You can do a free USCG name search that may be made using this database service. These searches can be run by name or by registration number. If you are…
Comprehensive Boat Documentation Services
At the Maritime Documentation Center, we endeavor to be everything that our name implies: the one place where you can find comprehensive boat documentation service for everything having to do with your vessels. At our site, you can find a long list of forms easily. Then, you can fill them out even easier. After that,…
How to Get on the US Coast Guard Boat Registry and Stay There
It’s possible that a lot of people who own boats aren’t familiar with the US Coast Guard boat registry or the advantages of being listed on it. The United States Coast Guard maintains a database of all boats in the country that are registered with them as part of the USCG’s boat registry. The United…