No matter when and where you’re boating, safety is always what’s most important. Boating during the summer of 2020, however, presents new challenges. The pandemic has upended so much and boating is no exception. While the primary focus of our site is making sure that you have all of the documentation you need to be…
USCG Vessel Lookup Through HIN Or Official Number
Did you know that you can conduct a USCG vessel lookup through its HIN number or official number? What is the difference between a HIN and an official number? For those unfamiliar with the abbreviation HIN, it stands for (Humanitarian Identification Number). In the United States, a ship’s HIN is its unique identity. The U.S.…
What Is the MARAD Waiver, and How Can You Qualify for It
The MARAD Waiver program of the Maritime Administration is a critical tool for American shipowners and operators, allowing them the operational flexibility and assistance they need to make necessary adjustments to their operations. It is important for shippers who are worried about the effect of this waiver program on the piers they use to keep…
What Can You Use the USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage For?
Some boat owners question what they may do with their USCG satisfaction of mortgage. If that’s the case, you’re not alone. You’ll be relieved to know that you have a plethora of choices. Buying a yacht is a significant financial commitment, and you’ll need enough cash on hand to pull it off. For many individuals,…

USCG Medical Certificate Status: Did You Meet the Standards?
As a mariner, ensuring your health and well-being is paramount for safe navigation on the open waters. The USCG requires mariners to meet certain medical standards and obtain a medical certificate to demonstrate their fitness for duty. However, determining your USCG medical certificate status and ensuring compliance with established standards can be a daunting task. …
Before You Buy, Perform a USCG Vessel Lookup
Shopping for a boat can be an exciting time for you. Just the thought of having a yacht or large recreational vessel that you can share with family and friends gets your blood racing, and you are anxious to go out and find a boat that is ideal for you. Looking at the secondary market…
The Benefits of the USCG Registry for You as a Boat Owner
Are you a boat owner with the US Coast Guard? If this is the case, you will want to educate yourself on the many advantages of the USCG registry. If you register your boat with the United States Coast Guard (USCG), you will be eligible for several excellent benefits that will make it much simpler…
What is a USCG Documented Vessel? Find the Answer Here!
“What is a USCG-documented vessel?” is a question that we always get here at the Maritime Documentation Center. A boat that has been registered with the United States Coast Guard is referred to as a USCG documented vessel. According to, a Certificate of Documentation will be issued to a vessel when the owner files…
Smooth Seas Ahead: Meeting US Coast Guard Boat Requirements
When you’re at the helm, you’re always on the lookout for threats. Rough seas, darkening skies, quickening wind, other boats, people in the water, and more – when you’re in control, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the vessel’s journey is safe. By staying “one step ahead of things,” by paying close attention, then…
What is the USCG?
There are many facets to the U.S. government, and each department and service has different roles and responsibilities. The military is no different, and the various branches of the military operate both as a unit and independently. While most people may hear about the military and immediately think of the services like the Army, Navy,…
Coast Guard Boat Requirements and Recommendations for Safety
Spring is finally here. After a seemingly endless winter, the weather is warm, the water is getting there, and the sun is bright. This is the perfect time to take your boat out on the water with family friends. If it isn’t the perfect time to do so where you are, then it’s the perfect…
Meeting Coast Guard Boat Requirements: Privacy and Safety
When you go out on the water, you have a plan. You have a clear idea of where you’re going to take your vessel and when. You make sure that someone on land knows where you’re supposed to be and when you’re supposed to be there. You do this because it’s safe – it protects…

Coastwise Endorsement Requirements and Others: Use Your Boat How You Want
Are you considering documenting your vessel but aren’t sure if it’s right for you? Some vessels can be documented while others have to be. Should you choose to document your vessel, you’re going to want to pick an endorsement that best matches how you’ll use your vessel. The coastwise endorsement, as well as its other…
Your Boat Must Comply with USCG Regulations
Getting into business for yourself can be a great adventure for you, and it allows you to be your own boss, but there is also a great deal of responsibility that goes along with a venture like this, particularly when you get involved with a business that involves the use of a boat. As the…
Transfer Exchange of USCG Documentation at our Site
What is the transfer exchange procedure for USCG-documented boats? Have you ever thought about it? It might be a daunting undertaking if you’ve never done it before. In order to ensure the safety of both you and your boat, we’ve created the Maritime Documentation Center. The Maritime Documentation Center gives all the information you need…