U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

How Do We Protect the Data You Provide for U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation?

When you input data into our system for U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation, you might worry that it could fall into the wrong hands. After all, hackers can get information from a variety of places and then they can use it to your detriment, including for your credit score and your finances. You can be…

US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

Don’t Panic if Your US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Has Expired

Your US Coast Guard vessel documentation is important because it identifies your boat. It’s necessary to renew it on a consistent basis, according to the guidelines set forth by the Coast Guard. Typically, you will receive notice that you need to renew about 45 days prior to the expiration date. But what if you forget…

Learn About Coast Guard Requirements to Own a Boat

When searching for a watercraft to purchase, you must consider the prerequisites established by the U.S. Coast Guard. When operating a watercraft on public waterways, the Federal Government has several stringent guidelines that must be followed. Before purchasing a boat, you must be acquainted with these regulations.  It is feasible to own a watercraft without…

US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation [CG-1270] Guide

Are you considering getting a Certificate of Documentation for your vessel but aren’t sure if it’s the right course of action? Do you have questions about your eligibility for a Certificate of Documentation? We designed the Maritime Documentation Center, in part, to help with those exact queries. Of all of the forms that we assist…

How To Do A USCG Vessel Search Online at Our Website

Boat owners can do the USCG vessel search through telephone, fax, or mail. The problem is that none of these solutions are quick or convenient! With the help of the marine documentation center, you can now do a USCG vessel search within minutes! By USCG, Vessel Search is a helpful tool for anybody interested in…

How to Meet U.S. Coast Guard Requirements to Own a Boat

If you’re a U.S. citizen and own a boat, there are specific requirements you need to meet to keep your vessel legally afloat. The U.S. Coast Guard is responsible for making sure all owners of boats and ships in our waters comply with the law, so if you’re not familiar with the regulations, it’s essential…