Registering your boat with the Coast Guard is not as difficult as imagined. The Coast Guard’s straightforward, step-by-step system makes registering and documenting your boat easy. If you plan to use your boat in U.S. waters, you must abide by several federal laws. In terms of importance, the USCG Navigation Act of 1920 and the…
Why Do You Need a Boat Bill of Sale And How to Fill It Out
Are you in the process of selling your boat and want to make sure that you have everything taken care of? Does it feel like you need a boat bill of sale to complete the transaction? That may be the case. Unless, of course, you own a documented vessel. If your vessel is documented, then…
Do You Need To Obtain Maritime Documents For Your Vessel?
You are the proud owner of a brand new vessel, and have been dreaming of this day for a long time. However, just as you start to live the life that you have always wanted, you discover that things are not as simple as they may seem. One area where you may struggle is in…
Coast Guard Documentation Renewal: the Next Frontier
The time has come for your Coast Guard documentation renewal … probably. If you’re like many vessel owners, it’s natural to not be 100% sure when that’s taking place. You do know that you have to get it renewed once a year, but you may not be exactly sure just when that is. As vessel owners…
Check Boat Sales With Vessel Documentation Search By Hull Number
You are contemplating buying a boat, and want to know more details about its history. Running a background check on any vessel is very important, as it can throw up details about the boat’s past life that would otherwise have remained hidden. In order to conduct this check in the most effective manner, you should…
Transfer Exchange Of USCG Documentation: Why Do You Need It?
Hopefully, this field guide has provided you with a better understanding of the Transfer Exchange of USCG Documentation. Your yacht should be knowledgeable about the transfer procedure, regardless of whether you are transferring ownership to the new owner or the boat has already been sold. Legally, the transfer of documents is not required in most…
Marad Small Vessel Waivers
Things to Consider about Vessel Documentation and a MARAD Small Vessel Waiver Typically, commercial passenger vessels need to have been built in America in order to operate in U.S. waters. This tends to be a strictly enforced requirement, but should you own a vessel of foreign or unknown origin, there is a way for you…
Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center to Finance Your Vessel
Have you been looking for a way to get financing on your vessel? Does it seem like getting your vessel documented is something that could benefit you, but you aren’t sure about all of the specifics? If so, you’re in the same position that so many vessel owners have been over the years. You’ve found…
Understanding the Preferred Ship Mortgage in the USA
Do you have an eye on a vessel that you’d like to buy, but you aren’t sure if you’ll be able to afford it? Would you like to get financing for a vessel that you plan on documenting with the Coast Guard? If you’re going to get your vessel documented, you may be eligible for…
Things You Should Know About the Marad Waiver
Does it make sense to go through the hassle of filling out the MARAD waiver? Owners of USCG vessels thinking about submitting this form may be curious about what is required of them and whether or not it is essential. In this article, we will investigate the waiver’s nature and its potential benefits to the…
The USCG and Your Vessels
Whether you have invested in a new pleasure craft to vacation and relax on, or you now own several boats that you are suing for your commercial business, you will find that you need to do business and transactions with the United States Coast Guard (USCG). The Coast Guard is responsible for the National Vessel…
How US Coast Guard Documentation Helps With a Boat Mortgage
Owning a boat means understanding the importance of having the appropriate US Coast Guard Documentation. Many forms of mortgages for boats demand that you have a boat insurance policy in place. How might US Coast Guard documents help you get finance for your vessel? A crucial factor to consider when buying a new or old…
How to Complete and Process a Boat Bill of Sale Form
If you are the boat owner, you are well aware of the need to maintain accurate records of ownership and registration for your vessel. When transferring ownership of a yacht, a boat bill of sale is one of the most influential papers that must be included. We will guide you through the steps of completing…
A Vessel Documentation Center that’s Centered on Vessel Owners
Does it seem more difficult to complete all of your vessel documentation forms than it should be? Have you scheduled time to fill out the forms you need to complete, only to find that you keep procrastinating and putting it off? We don’t believe that completing vessel documentation should be difficult, or the kind of…
Learning How to Complete a Transfer of Ownership Form
Completing a transfer of ownership form, or plainly selling a vessel is a situation that in most cases boat owners want to avoid, on some occasions are looking forward to and in all of the situations, it happens. Regardless of the reason that makes you give your vessel to someone else, it is important to…