Can a Bill of Sale for a Boat Be Handwritten? And Other Boating Selling Qs

“I can’t find a ‘bill of sale for a boat’ form online, can I just write it up by hand?” “Can I really use that bill to sell my documented vessel?” Selling your vessel can be an exciting time. You’ve found someone who’s willing to buy your vessel at your price. But, before you complete…

A Beginner’s Guide on Vessels’ Abstract of Title

You finally were able to purchase the boat of your dreams. With current inflation and all of the different regulations instaurated, keeping your vessel up to date is not as simple as it used to be. Find out about the necessary documentation, in particular about the vessels’ abstract of title in this beginner’s guide. Abstract…

Things Owners Should Do Before the USCG Inspection

United States Coast Guard (USCG) flagged boats must undergo a mandated examination every two years also known as the USCG inspection. Any vessel used for profit falls under this category, whether a commercial fishing boat, a tow boat, a passenger ship, or anything else. Everything from the ship’s safety gear to its structural soundness is…

When You Buy Your First U.S. Vessel

You have been searching around for the perfect boat for quite a while now, and you think you have finally found the one that you really want. It has all the features you are looking for, both inside and out, and is right at the ideal price point for you. It looks like the sale…

Our National Vessel Documentation Center: Simplicity and Security

Have you been searching online for a National Vessel Documentation Center that actually makes the documentation process easier, yet you haven’t found anything that you like? Does it seem like each site that says they’ll “simplify the process” actually ends up making it more complicated and complex? As vessel owners ourselves, that’s what we found…

How to Get on the US Coast Guard Boat Registry and Stay There

It’s possible that a lot of people who own boats aren’t familiar with the US Coast Guard boat registry or the advantages of being listed on it. The United States Coast Guard maintains a database of all boats in the country that are registered with them as part of the USCG’s boat registry. The United…

Getting Your Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation in Order

Every boat owner knows how important it is to have the corresponding registration in order whenever you are operating commercially. In fact, it’s imperative that you have your certificate of documentation in order at all times. Now, what happens if you don’t have it? What happens if something happens to it? What happens if you…

How Our National Vessel Documentation Center Improves Documentation

Does the idea of sitting down to fill out your online documentation make you want to do literally anything else? Have you tried to schedule a time to complete your documentation, yet as the time draws near you procrastinate, and just keep putting it off? We designed our National Vessel Documentation Center for, well, people…

How to Get a Good Deal in Yacht Charter

If you’re anything like most people, you’ve probably entertained the notion of passing your summers lazing away on a yacht charter somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. On the other hand, if you’re like most people, you don’t have the financial means to carry out that plan. You are in luck because there is a cost-effective…

USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage – Various Ways You Can Use It

There is a good chance that you are familiar with the USCG satisfaction of mortgage program if you are a yacht owner in the United States. This innovative initiative allows boat owners to use their vessels as collateral for a house loan, which may be a significant benefit when purchasing a new boat or refinancing…

Documenting a Vessel the Fast and Easy Way

The day has come where you are getting the boat you purchased delivered to your local marina. You proudly go down to watch them as they place it in the water for you, and you walk around on the deck, thinking about all the good times you are going to have using this new purchase…

Boat Bill of Sale Form: What You Need to Fit the Bill

Are you looking to sell your boat and aren’t sure which forms you’ll need? Or, alternatively, are you in the process of buying a boat, and want everything to be on the “up and up,” so to speak? This is where a boat bill of sale form can come in very handy. The good news…

Ship Documentation: A Little Bit of History, Administration, and More

Do you ever ask yourself “why do I need to take care of my ship documentation?” Doesn’t it feel like vessel documentation is something onerous that doesn’t really help you? The truth is that vessel documentation goes back a long way. This isn’t something that the government just came up with to punish vessel owners…

How Our Boat Online Registration Site Can Help Boat Owners

It’s natural to feel like you’re alone when it comes to your vessel documentation. After all, there’s not really a “tech support” for Coast Guard forms. It’s not like you can call someone up and be like: “hey, I’m struggling to figure out exactly which form is for me. Can you help?” Sure, you can…

How Long Does It Take to Get an Abstract of Title From USCG?

If you own a USCG vessel, you should have a copy of the abstract of title on hand at all times. Nevertheless, did you know that the USCG can take a while to process one? An abstract of title for your USCG vessel can be obtained for various reasons. An abstract of title is required,…