What Should You Do if You Want to Claim an Abandoned US Vessel?

Have you been interested in getting a vessel that’s been abandoned in your area? As you might imagine, this can be a delicate matter. In today’s economy, unfortunately, many vessels have been abandoned and simply left in marinas. When vessel owners can’t pay the fees, taxes, and everything else, they may just leave their vessels…

USCG Name Search Through Your Computer or Smart Device

Did you know that the United States Coast Guard (USCG) keeps a database online that lists all registered vessels and the owners of such boats? You can do a free USCG name search that may be made using this database service. These searches can be run by name or by registration number. If you are…

How To Register a Boat with The Coast Guard Through Our Website?

Owners of recreational vessels must register their vessels with the United States Coast Guard to use them for recreational purposes. However, boat owners wondering how to register a boat with the Coast Guard should know that it may be accomplished quickly via the Maritime Documentation Center. Our instructions for completing the registration procedure will be…

How Do You Document A Boat With The USCG And Your State Region?

How do you document your boat? This is a question that the Maritime Documentation Center has asked a lot. They will provide you with a certificate of vessel paperwork from the U.S. Coast Guard. This is a federally recognized event. The United States Coast Guard may approach you and ask for your vessel paperwork if…

Step by Step Guide for a Boat Bill of Sale Form

It’s vital to ensure you have all the proper documentation before buying or selling a boat since doing either of those things may be an exciting process. Because a bill of sale form for a boat is one of the most critical papers involved in the transaction, it is essential to have a solid understanding of…

Using the Bill Of Sale for Boats to Sell Your Vessel

A bill of sale for boats should be used if you need to transfer ownership of a US Coast Guard (USCG) vessel. While transferring ownership of a privately owned watercraft and a USCG vessel has certain parallels, the paperwork required for each transfer form is somewhat different. In order to sell your yacht swiftly, you…

Yacht Documentation Services Available at Our Website

Yacht documentation services have come to an end for those looking for them! We provide different document services at the Maritime Documentation Center to make the registration process easier for USCG vessel owners. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your boat up and run. Maritime authorities create Yacht…

A Better Way for Proper Boat Licensing and Registration

We don’t believe that boat licensing and registration should be difficult. That shouldn’t be revolutionary, but it kind of is. For many years, dealing with boat registration was like going to the DMV but much worse. After all, it’s not like many people could simply ride their vessel over to the facility, dock it, and…

Pros And Cons of Documenting a Boat: Compare and Decide

As the owner of a USCG vessel, you are responsible for adequately documenting your boat. While registering your yacht may seem a time-consuming chore, there are specific pros and cons of documenting a boat. There is a reasonable probability that if you own a boat in the United States, you will interact with the Coast…

Unsure How to Register Boat Documentation? We’ve Got You Covered

Are you looking for a simple, easy way to register your vessel’s documentation? When you type “how to register boat” into your browser, does every option look more complicated than the last? You certainly aren’t alone in that. As vessel owners ourselves, we were nonplussed (at best) with the options we saw when we would…

Vessel Documentation Center Search by Vessel Name: Doing One & Being On One

Have you been looking for a way to find out more about a vessel? Does it seem like whenever you search online for more information about a vessel you don’t feel like you can trust what you’ll find? There are many information sources online, but, unfortunately, there are few that you can implicitly trust. One…

The Pros and Cons of Vessel Documentation

Is it worth documenting your boat? The answer to this is yes. As proof of nationality and ownership, the US Coast Guard’s vessel paperwork is accepted worldwide. Consequently, all vessels registered as Vessels of the United States are afforded the same protections as those that are not. An American citizen must own the boat for…

Finding Your Vessel With USCG Boat Names Searches

You have your eye on a new vessel that you want to buy. Just like with any other big investment, such as a house or a car, you will need to make sure that you are actually buying what is being offered and that it is the best vessel for you. You can’t send your…

How to Register a Boat, Explained

If you’ve never had to do it before, figuring out how to register a boat can quickly become a lot to deal with. It is, at the end of the day, a bureaucratic process that can take up too much of your time if you don’t know how to approach it or where to start. …

The Process of Watercraft Registration Made Easier

Purchasing and owning a boat places responsibility on your shoulders. The maintenance of a vessel of any size can take time and money, but it is necessary so you can keep the ship seaworthy and safe. Beyond that, you also have responsibilities when it comes to the paperwork involved with your boat. You may have…