All the US Coast Guard Boat Documentation You Could Need

Does it feel like you aren’t entirely sure of which documentation your vessel needs? Have you started to complete US Coast Guard boat documentation but found it difficult and annoying? Those are perfectly normal feelings. We have all felt that way at one time or another. It can seem like it’s all part of owning…

Coast Guard Boat Documentation – What Are The Requirements to Follow

As the owner of a USCG boat, you must be familiar with Coast Guard boat requirements that must be adhered to maintain your vessel in compliance with the federal government’s restrictions. Following the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, the United States Coast Guard is responsible for enforcing several maritime safety laws, such as licensing and…

Certificate of Documentation Explained

Don’t you know where to start with your United States Coast Guard (USCG) Certificate of Documentation? Have you noticed how hard it is to find a site that easily explains what you should do to get or even how to process it online? That is the reason behind the creation of the Maritime Documentation Center:…

USCG-Documented Vessel VS State Registered Boats

Regardless of the state in which you mostly will use your boat, and the size and purpose you will give to your vessel, you should keep in mind that some type of governmental authority, whether federal or at a state level, will keep an eye on your vessel by conducting regular inspections. Other than those,…

About the US Coast Guard Bill of Sale

If you’ve been reading these blogs for any length of time, then you know that we take great pride in offering all of the vessel documentation services that you might need. That means that we have all of the Transfer/ Exchange, the Preferred Ship Mortgages, the Change of Address forms and everything else. When you…