What is a Vessel Name Change, and Why Do You Need One?

Do you have access to a boat? If that’s the case, have you ever considered doing a vessel name change listed on your boat registration? Perhaps you have just relocated to a different state and need to update all of your documentation. Or you may be sick of the previous moniker and want to give…

Reasons It’s Necessary to Register Your Boat with the Us Coast Guard

It is mandatory for individuals who own boats in the United States to register their boats with the U.S. Coast Guard. Most boat owners must comply with this registration procedure; however, there are a few exemptions. Registering your boat with the Coast Guard is required for legal and safety reasons for several different reasons. Every…

Do You Know What a Coast Guard Documentation Is?

Do you wish to apply for Coast Guard documentation? If so, the Maritime Documentation Center is the right place for you. The government is interested in knowing about each boat purchase, no matter how modest or extravagant the vessel may be. This includes fishing boats as well as luxury yachts. Because of this requirement, all…

Guide to Vessel Documentation Change of Address

Did you know that you must apply for a vessel documentation change of address whenever you move? If not, you’re likely in for a surprise the next time you try using your boat. Instead, ensure to pick it up as soon as possible (you may miss your deadline). Ask anyone who might be sending you…