Steps to Successfully Completing Your Boat Documentation

If you are the owner of a USGC yacht, then you know that getting all the boat documentation in order is an essential step before taking it out on the water. Some responsibilities come along with boat ownership. In addition to your and your crew’s safety, you must keep a complete record of your ship…

Vessel Bill of Sale: What Is It and Why Do I Need One?

When you own a vessel, you are responsible for submitting the necessary documentation to maintain your boat registered and in compliance with the law. A vessel bill of sale will be one of the essential papers you will need. When one person sells their boat to another, the boat’s ownership must be transferred via a…

An In-Depth Understanding of the Importance of Coast Guard Registration

The significance of Coast Guard registration cannot be overstated for someone who owns a USCG vessel. You may assist increase marine safety by registering your boat with the Coast Guard and giving them access to essential information about your vessel. Did you know that the USCG requires all boats to display their Documentation Number prominently?…

Coast Guard Boat Documentation – What Are The Requirements to Follow

As the owner of a USCG boat, you must be familiar with Coast Guard boat requirements that must be adhered to maintain your vessel in compliance with the federal government’s restrictions. Following the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, the United States Coast Guard is responsible for enforcing several maritime safety laws, such as licensing and…

Benefits of Filing US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Online

Do you own a boat and have a documentation number issued by the US Coast Guard? In that case, were you aware that you can use the e-Documentation system provided by the US Coast Guard to submit your US Coast Guard vessel documentation electronically? This system offers many benefits, including tracking the progress of your…