Initial, Renewal, and Reinstatement of Coast Guard Boat Registration

Dealing with Coast Guard boat registration can quickly get fairly stressful, but it doesn’t have to be if you have the proper guidance throughout. Let’s go over what the different processes related to registration can consist of. Ins and Outs of Boat Registration Now, you probably hear the words “boat registration” and you’re already rolling…

Coast Guard Boat Requirements for the MARAD Waiver

Do you want to use a vessel that wasn’t made in the United States to transport passengers and want to know how to do so in compliance with all pertinent rules and regulations? Do you feel confused about how the rules pertain to foreign-built vessels? This is perfectly understandable. The Coast Guard boat requirements for…

Getting Coast Guard Documentation

Are you at the point where you’re looking to get Coast Guard documentation for your vessel? Maybe you’ve been looking at getting a five ton vessel for more than recreation. Perhaps you’re at the point where you’re looking to get a vessel to make money by heading into certain fisheries, coast-wise areas, and the like.…

What to Do if You Are Dissatisfied with Your Boat’s Documentation Renewal?

If your vessel’s documentation renewal left you dissatisfied, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many yacht owners are frustrated with the procedure, which may be lengthy and tiresome. Many boat owners, we know, experience anxiety every time the time comes to renew their vessel’s paperwork. And who can blame them? While the paperwork renewal procedure…

Why Use a Boat Documentation Service For Vessel Registry?

After you’ve purchased your new boat you may be curious about how to get it registered and the best ways of getting that done. If you’re a commercial boat owner the law demands that you are a part of the federal registration which is kept by the United States Coast Guard. This means going through…

The Essentials of Boat Ownership Transfer

Do you take great pride in being the owner of a vessel registered with the United States Coast Guard? In such cases, the boat ownership transfer process can seem to be a difficult one. But there’s no need to panic since we’re here to assist you! In order to make the transition go as smoothly…

When Do You Need A Certificate Of Deletion For A Vessel?

If you own a boat, you know that several things must be monitored and recorded. It might be challenging to keep up with all that must be done, including registration and paperwork, safety inspections, and more. However, one thing many people who own boats may not be aware of is the circumstances in which they…

What is the MARAD Waiver and How to Apply?

There are certain specific regulations that United States law has in place for the sake of domestic commerce. In the interest of prioritizing American vessel-owners and United States-built vessels, for example, the Maritime Administration has certain protections in place to regulate who has primer access to commerce between domestic ports. It’s because of this that…

Vessel Documentation: Basic Things You Need to Know

Do you think you may need to get your vessel documented, but aren’t sure? If your vessel measures more than five net tons (typically 25 feet in length or longer) and you’re a US citizen, you can document your vessel. If you’re going to use it for commercial fishing activities, transporting goods or people on…

Finding Where to Perform a Vessel Registry Search

The more you know about anything you are going to buy, the better consumer you are going to be and the happier you will be with your final decision. This rings true whether you are buying produce at the grocery store, ordering a shirt online, choosing a new mechanic for your car, or doing something…

Vessel Documentation Reinstatement – Step by Step Guide

If you are the owner of a boat registered with the United States Coast Guard, you may ask how to get your vessel papers back. This tutorial will take you through the process of vessel documentation reinstatement step by step so you may accomplish your goal. It is always better to check with the USCG…

Consult the US Coast Guard Registry Via Lookups and Abstracts

If you own a vessel, you are probably aware of the US Coast Guard registry, which is the database where the titular agency stores all the relevant information about the registered vessels. This is not a classified archive, though, since it can be easily accessed and consulted with the right information. This is a public…

The Vessel Documentation Applications We Provide

If you own a boat, you know how vital it is to maintain your vessel in a manner that complies with the requirements. However, were you aware that we provide vessel documentation applications that will assist you in being compliant? Our programs for documenting vessels are comprehensive and straightforward to use, and they may assist…

Turning With the Tide: Coast Guard Boat Registration Changes as Life Changes

Have you recently gone through some life changes that you feel may necessitate updating your vessel registration? Does it feel like whenever you have to update or renew your Coast Guard boat registration, it’s more difficult than it should be? The truth is that many vessel owners, often have to renew their vessel registration throughout…

Your Boat and the Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Center

A lot more goes into owning a boat than you may realize at first. While you may purchase your ship with the intent of going out and enjoying time with your friends and family, fishing, swimming, snorkeling, or just traveling to warm, exotic places, you have to work at maintaining your boat to keep it…