Obtaining a National Vessel Documentation Center Abstract of Title

Knowing as much as you can about a big purchase of an item like a luxury boat or yacht just makes good sense. You do not want to invest the kind of money necessary to buy an item like this without knowing as much as possible about it first. You may take a lot of…

Ways to Stay in Compliance on the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

Have you owned your vessel for a while and aren’t sure how to keep your vessel registered? Did you recently go through some significant life changes and want to be certain that your vessel documentation is up to date? When you get your vessel registered, it really is an accomplishment. However, it doesn’t stay there…

Vessel Documentation Services You Can Get at Our Site

The United States Coast Guard makes various vessel documentation services, which may be used by the owners of USCG-documented vessels, accessible on our website. One of the various services provided is the submission and tracking of applications for the renewal of documents. With the help of our internet services, you won’t have any trouble doing…

All about a Boat Bill of Sale

There’s no pleasure in life quite like having a boat. Taking your boat out on the water is an experience, no matter where you are. Maybe you’re out on the lake with the people you care about most. Perhaps you’ve decided to start your own maritime business, and you need a great boat to take…

Using the Coast Guard Documented Vessel Search

Most of us, when we are shopping for a new car, spend some time researching the cars available. When we look at cars on the secondary market, it only makes sense that you go in-depth a bit more and seek information about the car’s past so you can make sure it is free of accident…

What Is The CG-1270 Code in Vessel Documentation?

In order to identify the owner of a vessel, the CG-1270 code included in its paperwork is employed. The CG-1270 designation in vessel documentation is occasionally preceded by the phrase “beneficiary,” which you may have observed. This term implies that the listed individual or organization is merely operating in the capacity of a trustee for…

Boat Owners and the Role of the NVDC

Before you purchase your first vessel, whether it is a commercial one for your new business or personal so that you and your family can go travel or sailing when you want, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with all the rules and regulations you must follow so you can keep your boat…

Our Relationship to the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

At the Maritime Documentation Center, we are not the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database. However, we do make interacting with that database easier. We can help with plenty of the functions that can make working with the Coast Guard to get your documentation that much simpler to deal with. If you think of the Coast…

Coast Guard Documentation Q&A

Q: What is a Coast Guard Documentation Number?  A: The Coast Guard Documentation Number is the official number of a documented vessel. This number is to be prominently displayed on the vessel, signifying its documented status. This number stays with the vessel for the vessel’s lifetime.  When someone sends in their form to get their…

Processing Your Certificate of Deletion for A Vessel Online

You may be wondering, “Why do I need to process a certificate of deletion vessel?” And why can’t I put it up for sale on Craigslist or at a dock auction? Yes, these are good questions. You may sell your yacht over the phone or via Craigslist to someone interested. While this may seem like…

Boat Abstract of Title 2021 Update: What You Need to Know

Has it been a while since you purchased a new vessel? Have you been trying to do research into one vessel or another but want to make sure that you’re getting information that you know is correct? If so, then you’re going to need a boat Abstract of Title. This form can be invaluable, giving…

Is a Vessel Abstract of Title the Best Option For You?

If you own a boat in the United States, you have most likely heard of the notion of a vessel abstract of title at some point in your life. However, are you sure that this solution will work in your favor? In this article, we’ll look at what a vessel abstract of title is and how…

Tips for Getting Your USCG License Faster

If you own a vessel in the United States, the USCG license is almost certainly something you will require at some time. You are in luck since a few pointers may assist you in accelerating the procedure. Licenses issued by the US Coast Guard are obligatory for commercial vessels operating in the United States. If…

How to Maintain Your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation

You finally got your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation – are you worried about how you’re going to maintain it? Have you forgotten exactly when and for how long your certificate is valid? It can take a lot of work and time to get your initial documentation. So, the last thing any vessel owner…