Coast Guard Renewal Documentation: Your COD, Your Way

Does it feel like it’s time to file Coast Guard renewal documentation, but you aren’t sure? Have you felt like it sneaks up on you, and you’re worried that one of these years, you’re going to miss the deadline? Firstly, even if you miss the renewal deadline, all is not lost. That said, it’s far…

Does Your Vessel Require Coast Guard Documentation?

Every vessel that navigates the navigable waters of the United States is required by law to have some Coast Guard Documentation from the Coast Guard. This document identifies the vessel by its name, as well as its kind, size, and country of origin. Additionally, it gives the captain of the vessel permission to sail the…

Safe and Secure with the Help of the USCG Registry

Safe boating is fun boating. When you do everything you can to make your trip as safe as possible for everyone on board, it’s easy to relax. You can have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re prepared for every eventuality, which means you can kick back and just take it all in.…

Using a Coast Guard Abstract of Title Before Buying a Ship

You spotted that pleasure boat or luxury vessel as you drove by the marina and it immediately caught your eye. It’s beautiful and it has everything you ever wanted in a ship. And to top it off, it had a “For Sale” posted on it. You may have called the phone number or looked up…

Answering Qs: How Long Can You Renew Boat Registration For?

Did you know how long you may keep renewing your boat registration? If you own a boat, you know that you must update your registration annually. Continue reading since the Maritime Documentation Center has much more information than just the answer to this query, especially how to renew boat registration. You must remain current on…

Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center: Stay Safe in Summer

Did you spend all winter cooped up, waiting for the moment when you could take your boat back out on the water? Has it just been too long since you took your vessel on the rolling waves and under the warm sun? Summer is finally here in North America, and it’s time to get back…

When is USCG Documentation Required? (And Why You May Want it Anyway)

Have you been concerned that you’ll soon be in a situation where you’ll need USCG documentation? Did you recently purchase a vessel and aren’t sure if it’s the right situation for you and your vessel? Over the years, here at the Maritime Documentation Center, we have helped so many vessel owners who are in your…

The Difference Between Vessel Documentation Reinstatement and Renewal

All USCG-affiliated boat owners must have a boat registered with the USCG. You may not be aware of the distinction between a vessel documentation reinstatement and renewal. Ensure you put together your renewal packet to begin the process. You must request it at least six weeks before your current registration expires. Send the form to…

Vessel Tracking by Vessel Name for Information

Do you see boat ownership as part of your future? You want more than just a small boat that you and a buddy can go out on the lake with. What you are looking for has all the bells and whistles, creature comforts, and looks majestic on the water. Of course, a boat like this…

Beyond Boat Documentation: Boating Safely in Fall

August may be upon us, Fall is right around the corner, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop going out on your boat. Yes, summer is winding down, but you can go out on your boat during autumn. That’s true whether you’re on the water commercially or enjoying time with family and friends. Boat…

What Information is Available Through the Coast Guard Documentation Search?

Some of us have the privilege of having family and friends that own a yacht or boat. It means spending hours out on the water in the spring and summer (sometimes year round depending on where you reside). Spending time on a boat may have made you want to purchase one yourself and having friends…

Finding the USCG Satisfaction of Mortgage Forms

Buying a yacht or recreational vehicle can be a big thrill for you and gives you the chance to achieve a lifelong dream of yours to own a boat like this. Many people find that purchasing a boat on the secondary market from a private seller or broker is the best way to get the…

A USCG Portal Designed for the Modern Vessel Owner

Does it feel like every USCG portal that’s “easy to use” is actually anything but? Have you felt like these online documentation sites were designed for someone other than vessel owners? That’s how we felt. That’s one of the many reasons that we started the Maritime Documentation Center. We wanted there to be a vessel…

Some Reasons Folks Document Their Vessel Through Our USCG Portal

“I guess vessel documentation is a good idea, but what are the real benefits to it if I don’t have to document my vessel?” At this point, you probably know that if your vessel measures five net tons or more and you’re using it for fishing and coastwise activities on navigable American waters or those…

Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

Have grown concerned that certain life changes have made it so that you won’t be able to stay on the Coast Guard boat registration database? Does it seem like the rules are arbitrary about what does and does not have to be given to the powers that be? Here at the Maritime Documentation Center, we…