Are you aware that all boats and vessels registered in your name must meet USCG documentation requirements? We’ll go through the specifics of what’s required and how to make sure your registration number is up to snuff in this article. At least three inches high, the registration number of all USCG verified vessels must be…
Going Through the Coast Guard Licensing Process
Before you move forward with the purchase of that ship you plan to use as part of your business, you want to make sure you take care of all the essential steps. You have your financing all in order if you have any partners they are satisfied, and you are ready to do what you…
Time for your Boat Documentation Renewal: Here’s What you Need to Know
Every year, or every five years, according to the use you give your vessel, and if you are registered to the United States Coast Guard (USCG) you need to get your boat documentation renewal application. This article will show you how to do it to keep your certificate of documentation (COD) up to date and…
Ship Shape for Ship Documentation: Who Is and Isn’t Eligible
Do you know if your vessel is eligible for ship documentation? Does it feel like documentation is something that may benefit you, but you aren’t entirely sure if it’s right for you? At the Maritime Documentation Center, we have plenty of customers who come to us for all of their vessel documentation needs. That said,…
Don’t Forget to Renew Coast Guard Documentation
You have been enjoying your time with your yacht, taking it to exotic and beautiful places and spending time on the water just like always dreamed of. It has been about a year since you got your boat and got it federally documented with the United States Coast Guard, which means you need to start…
How Long Does it Take to Process US Coast Guard Documentation?
When purchasing a vessel you may have noticed the different types of paperwork you need to issue to comply with the federal or state regulations. What type of license you get and where to register your boat will depend on some characteristics, like the size of your vessel or the use you give to it.…
When Do USCG Documented Vessels Need State Registration?
When a USCG-documented vessel must be registered in a state and what makes a USCG document vessel exempt, boating is two of the most perplexing parts. One reason for the ambiguity is that numerous elements must be considered while making this assessment, including the fact that state waters are involved and whether a section of…
A Coast Guard Documentation Lookup Makes Buying a Boat Easier
Think about the last time you went shopping for a new car, or when you bought your home. You may have spent months looking over information, getting feedback, looking at potential vehicles or houses, and more before you chose what was best for you. You were diligent, so you made sure you were investing your…
The Changes in Recreational Vessel Documentation in 2022
Is it coming to the time when you should renew your vessel documentation? Are you concerned about renewing on time and don’t want to miss the deadline? If so, you’re like thousands of vessel owners all across America. However, changes are coming in the new year. The powers that be have made some alterations which,…
How to Get the Boat Information You Need from Our Vessel Documentation
It is essential to ensure that you have all of the required documentation when you are a happy yacht owner. Understanding how to get information from your vessel documentation is necessary for this procedure. The staff at the Maritime Documentation Center has compiled a handbook explaining how to carry out the task mentioned above. Having…
You Got a US Vessel, Now How Do You Stay in Compliance?
Did you just purchase your first US vessel? Or, have you gotten your first vessel in some time, and you aren’t sure about how to proceed in getting the right documentation? We designed the Maritime Documentation Center for vessel owners of all kinds. Whether this is your first vessel or your thousandth (or any number…
What is USCG Documentation?
A lot of boat owners are wondering what is USCG Documentation and whether or not they must obtain a USCG documentation. Although not all vessels can be documented, there are several benefits of doing this process. One of them is that it is a national form of registration. This means it’s a proof of nationality…
Common Questions about USCG Documentation (And Their Answers)
Do you have questions about USCG documentation but aren’t sure who to ask about them? When you talk to fellow boat owners about the ins and outs of documentation, do you get contradictory answers that don’t quite “add up?” When it comes to vessel documentation, you want to know the real truth before you make…
Coast Guard Boat Requirements for Registration and More
“I just got a vessel and I’d like to get it documented. Can you help?” We are often asked some variation of this exact same question. It’s not always a good idea to answer a question with a question, but in this case, it’s valid. We often respond, “are you sure you have to get…
Can You Search for Coast Guard Documentation by Name?
Did you know that you may search for paperwork about boats and vessels operated by the Coast Guard using the name of the vessel or boat? It’s accurate! You don’t need to go through the trouble of searching through stacks of documents to get the information that you want. Search the Coast Guard documentation by…