Have you been trying to learn all you can about a vessel for a prospective purchase? Are you concerned that, once you purchase the vessel, you’re going to find something out that makes it a bad decision in retrospect? These are common concerns that people in your position have had for decades if not centuries.…
Do You Know What a Coast Guard Documentation Is?
Do you wish to apply for Coast Guard documentation? If so, the Maritime Documentation Center is the right place for you. The government is interested in knowing about each boat purchase, no matter how modest or extravagant the vessel may be. This includes fishing boats as well as luxury yachts. Because of this requirement, all…
Our SSL Encrypted Site
Imagine spending a day on the water with your family and friends, relaxing and having fun. Your USCG registry certificate is suddenly demanded by one of your fellow boat owners. Suddenly. Are you carrying it? There is a lot at stake if this isn’t taken care of. As a result, the other boater feels justified…
Documented Boat Names : Dos and Don’ts
You’ve bought the vessel of your dreams. Maybe it’s brand new, maybe it’s used, but one thing is for sure: this is your vessel. This is the vessel you have always wanted, the vessel which will take you where you want to go. “Where do you want to go” could be around the world, it…
Importance of Having the USCG Documentation for Your Vessel
The ownership of a boat is associated with a great deal of responsibility. In addition to ensuring that your boat is in satisfactory condition at all times, you are responsible for ensuring that you fully comply with all maritime rules and regulations, such as USCG documentation. Utilizing USCG paperwork for your vessel is among the…
Beginning to Understand the Coast Guard Boat Requirements
The United States Coast Guard is the governmental department that regulates all of the maritime activity on federal and close international waters. They do so by issuing certificates and making sure that the boats are subject to the rules. This article will tell you what are those Coast Guard boat requirements you need to know,…
Online Transfer Exchange of USCG Documentation At Your Service
Did you know that you need various USCG documents to undertake activities like fishing and diving? When you own a boat, you’re subject to various additional obligations. The internet platform provided by the Maritime Paperwork Center provides a straightforward and safe method for the transfer and exchange of USCG documentation. The Maritime Paperwork Center is…
Ship Documentation You Need to Transfer a Boat’s Ownership
Regrettably, we sometimes need to sell our beloved boats. If that is your case, you might want to read this guide the Maritime Documentation Center has created. We cannot make that moment any less heartbreaking, yet we can do it more simple. This article will show what is all of the ship documentation that you…
USCG Boat Names and How to Get One
Buying your boat may have seemed like the most complicated part for you. You had to deal with getting the price, working with the manufacturer (if you are buying new), or with a broker (if you purchased a used ship), and the paperwork may have seemed like it would never end. Even after you have…
Safe Harbor for Watercraft Registration Documents of All Kinds
The more time you spend online, the less you’ll be able to spend on your vessel. That’s a crude assessment, but it’s more or less true. It can certainly feel that way when you’re filling out watercraft registration documentation forms. When you sit down to deal with those, you’re likely to feel like you’d rather…
What You Need to Know About the MARAD Waiver
There is a significant probability that you are familiar with the MARAD Waiver if you are a yacht owner in the United States. But to be more specific, what is it? And do you have to apply to get it? In this article, we will respond to all the questions you have concerning the MARAD…
The National Vessel Documentation Center Renewal Service Online
Spring is a time of renewal. The flowers are blooming, the leaves are sprouting, and the air is warming up. If you own your recreational vessel, you’ve probably been thinking about taking it back out on the water. Perhaps you’ve done so already. On some spring days, it can feel a little chill. However, on…
Why US Documented Vessels Are Important For Mortgage Companies
The first time that you buy a boat, you may need to take out a loan in order to afford the full cost of the vessel. In order to get a reasonable sum for their purchase, many prospective boat owners choose to take out a type of loan called a preferred ship mortgage. This loan…
Abstract of Title: Every Detail You Need to Know
Are you considering buying a vessel and want to make sure that it’s the right decision? Does it seem as if a vessel is perhaps “too good to be true?” The last thing anyone wants to happen is to buy a vessel with incorrect or inaccurate information, thus getting less for their money. At our…
Do You Want to Never Have to Worry about USCG Renewal Again?
Are you worried that it’s been too long since you renewed your vessel registration? Does it seem like this sneaks up on you every year, and you have to stress about getting it done at the last minute? If so, you aren’t alone. That’s something that vessel owners have been dealing with for decades. The…