“How can I register a boat?” “I just bought this vessel I’d been searching for forever, now how can I register it?” Those are some of the questions that bring people to our site, however, those are just some of them. Sure, registering your vessel is one of the many important documentation tasks that you…
USCG Vessels, Safety on the Water, and You
When it comes to boating safely this spring and summer, we’re all kind of in uncharted waters. Yes, thankfully, in so many parts of the country, it looks like the COVID-19 pandemic may be receding. More and more businesses are able to safely open up, folks are able to go outside and live their lives…
Documenting a Vessel: How to
In all of our blogs, we try to give our readers something they might not have had before. We try to point out something different and new about our site or explain a form that they might not have encountered before. Many of these forms are filled with what’s colloquially referred to as “legalese.” That…
Meeting US Coast Guard Boat Requirements All Over
No one wants to head out on the water worried that their vessel fails to comply with US Coast Guard boat requirements. These requirements, at times, can seem capricious, if not downright contradictory and confusing. Each moment spent worried about them or being in compliance with them is a moment not spent enjoying your boat…
Do You Have to Register, Renew, or Reinstate Your Maritime Documents?
Taking care of your boat registration and other maritime documents can be overwhelming when you are not super informed about the actual processes involved. If you are looking to register a boat, there are three different circumstances that you will need to consider. If you got a new vessel, you will need to register it.…
Abstract of Title Explained in Detail
Any maritime vessel that gets documentation from the US Coast Guard has generated what is called an “Abstract of Title”, which is also called a general index. We’ll go more into depth in this article about what’s on this document, but it generally includes information about the vessel, ownership and financial history, and its current…
The Uses and Benefits of the Abstract of Title for a Vessel
An abstract of title is a necessity if you own a USCG vessel. When it comes to owning a USCG vessel, an abstract of title is essential. What is the title’s abstract? This paper proves that you own the boat and are protected by federal maritime law. When it comes to abstracts, do you know…
Following U.S. Coast Guard Boat Requirements
There is a lot more to owning a boat than just having it at the marina and taking it out when you want to sail or fish. Yes, regular maintenance is required to help keep your ship safe and seaworthy, but there are also laws and regulations you need to be aware of so you…
The Different Stages of Boat Documentation Renewal
As the owner of a USCG-documented vessel, you are probably aware that there are certain rules and regulations you need to follow. One of the most important of these rules is to keep your information up to date so that the United States Coast Guard is able to contact you whenever it is needed to.…
Who Can Apply to the MARAD Small Vessel Waiver Program and How?
The MARAD waiver is a Maritime Administration mechanism meant for foreign-built vessels. After all, the Jones Act requires that the vessels operating in coastwise commerce be built domestically whenever possible. The MARAD small vessel waiver program recognizes that foreign-built vessels can also contribute to American commerce, which is why it grants waivers to certain vessels…
How to Get Coast Guard Boat Registration and Hang Onto It
Do you think you need to get Coast Guard boat registration but aren’t sure? Have you thought about getting your boat registered yet don’t know if it’s absolutely necessary? Vessel owners like yourself have wondered about that exact thing for centuries. In fact, in America, vessel documentation goes back to the very first Congress. There…
An In-Depth Understanding of the Importance of Coast Guard Registration
The significance of Coast Guard registration cannot be overstated for someone who owns a USCG vessel. You may assist increase marine safety by registering your boat with the Coast Guard and giving them access to essential information about your vessel. Did you know that the USCG requires all boats to display their Documentation Number prominently?…
The Recording of a Preferred Ship Mortgage
When you are buying a boat for the first time, you will see that the process you undertake so that you can get the yacht or large recreational vessel you have always wanted is a lot like what you go through when buying a car or a home. Most people will need to obtain financing…
4 Reasons to Be Up to Date with your Boat Documentation
Any vessel with a volume of at least ?ve net tons, one that is wholly owned by a U.S. citizen, can be documented. With the online services of Maritime Documentation Center, staying updated with your boat documentation is a straightforward process. You can have the whole process complete from the comfort and convenience of your…
Get Started with Our US Coast Guard Documentation Portal
So you have decided to start a marine business venture, perhaps using a ship in order to carry goods from one side of the world to the other, or to take people on pleasure cruises. Whatever you want to do with your boat, the important thing is to understand that you need to make sure…