Certificate of Documentation Explained

Don’t you know where to start with your United States Coast Guard (USCG) Certificate of Documentation? Have you noticed how hard it is to find a site that easily explains what you should do to get or even how to process it online? That is the reason behind the creation of the Maritime Documentation Center:…

United States Coast Guard Cold-Weather Boating Tips

Can you sail in the winter? The United States Coast Guard has provided some winter-safe boating guidelines. Always dress for the weather, insulate your ship, and measure the ice thickness before setting off. If you remember these safety tips, you may have a great time boating in the winter without worrying about getting in trouble.…

Documented Vessel Number: Key to Boating How You Want

Do you want the freedom to use your vessel how you want? Have you gotten everything together that you need to get your commercial boating venture “off the ground” (so to speak) and don’t want to be hassled? That’s what a documented vessel number can do. Depending on your vessel and your circumstances, the Maritime…


National Vessel Documentation Center Forms Streamlined and Turbo-Charged

As a vessel owner, you know how many demands there are on your time. A vessel is seemingly always in need of some improvement, some work, some form of maintenance. This is true in the middle of summer, the middle of winter, the middle of a ride on the water and basically any other time.…

Sorting Through the Boat Documentation Services

Once you take ownership of the boat you have been looking at, you want to think about the best ways available to you to get it registered. If you have a large pleasure craft like a yacht, you do have options for registration open to you. For commercial boat owners, the law dictates that you…

Preferred Ship Mortgage: A 2022 Updated Guide

When it comes to secured financing, a preferred ship mortgage is a special kind of secured loan against maritime assets, most often vessels and cargo. It is an exciting alternative for owners of ships and boats searching for financing since the interest rates are pretty cheap and several lenders provide these products. The marine sector…

USCG Exchange and Transfer: When (and When Not) to Use This Form

Do you want to bring in a new co-owner with your vessel but aren’t sure of the best way to go about it? Does one member of your ownership group want out? These are the kinds of things that happen all of the time when you own a vessel with others. Maybe your ownership group…

Abstract of Title and Foreign Vessel Registry: The Whole Truth

Want to find out more about a vessel but don’t trust online sources? Have you narrowed your search down to a couple vessels that you really like, yet want to have as much information as possible? No one wants to spend the money on a vessel without being in possession of all of the facts.…

How Our Documentation Center Can Help You in Specific Scenarios

Has something in your life changed and you aren’t sure how it pertains to your vessel documentation? Or, alternatively, has something with your vessel changed, and you know you have to update your documentation but you aren’t sure how to do it? We know how frustrating that feeling can be. That’s just one of the…

Boat Safely at a National Documentation Center

The primary concern of our national documentation center is, of course, documentation. That’s what we’ve built our business around, what we offer to vessel owners of all kinds. However, while documentation is critically important, it’s important to be safe on the water, too. That’s true at all times of the year, but it’s especially so during the fall.…

USCG Documentation

A Boater’s Guide to Comply with USCG Documentation

Are you ready to take your boat out for a spin? Before hitting the water, it’s important you ensure to be fully equipped for your trip. This means making sure all of your paperwork is in comply with USCG Documentation. The Vessel Registrar Center is a private firm that allows users to process ship documentation online…

Bill of Sale

What Should A Boat Bill of Sale Include?

Selling or buying a boat is a significant transaction, and like any major purchase, it’s crucial to have a solid legal document that protects both parties. A boat bill of sale acts as a record of the transaction, outlining the terms and conditions of the sale and transferring ownership from the seller to the buyer.…

Coast Guard Documentation Renewal

Coast Guard Documentation Renewal: Deadlines to Keep in Mind

Compliance with the Coast Guard and safety are both ensured by proper documentation. Even if you don’t own a boat, knowing when your Coast Guard documentation renewal is due is a good idea. Remember, you never know when you’ll need to get aboard or off a ship. When it comes time to renew your papers,…

Vessel Documentation Search

Why a Vessel Documentation Search is Essential for Boat Owners

The vast majority of boat owners know that they must carry out a vessel documentation search before buying or selling a vessel. Still, many of them are unaware of the rationale for this need. In this piece, we will talk about the advantages of doing a documentation search. And will give you some pointers on…

Coast Guard Boat Requirements

Coast Guard Boat Requirements: Safe and Smooth Sailing

Winter’s icy grip may still be upon us, but for boating enthusiasts, the anticipation of warmer days and open waters is already building. Before you launch your vessel for those long-awaited summer adventures, it’s crucial to ensure it meets all Coast Guard boat requirements. Safety should always be a top priority for any boating excursion,…