The Importance of Proper United States Coast Guard Documentation

If you are looking into starting your own business that involves a boat, you will find that there are many regulations and rules you need to follow today. Starting a business is always quite an undertaking, but a business where a vessel is involved, either as a fishing vessel, for salvage, transportation or other venture,…

Facts About USCG Documentation

If you’re like most people, you’ve heard of USCG documentation, but may not know exactly what it is. It stands for “United States Coast Guard Documentation.” It can help with a wide variety of thing. People don’t often realize that. It can also be difficult and ultimately quite time consuming to fill out. It can…

Everything You Need to Know About The Coast Guard Bill of Sale

The Coast Guard Bill of Sale can come in very handy if you’ve decided to sell your boat, as well as in other circumstances. Having a bill of sale is certainly something you’re going to want as a boat owner, even if you never sell the boat. However, the process to getting one isn’t exactly easy.…