What is US Coast Guard Documentation?

One of the questions we get asked more often at the Maritime Documentation Center is what is US Coast Guard Documentation? For that reason, we have decided to create this article, to further explain what that means. Basically, a boat that was registered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) is referred to as a…

Is the Maritime Documentation Center Legit?

Have you looked at our service and wondered if maybe it’s something of a “scam?” Do you see many other places online to take care of your vessel documentation and aren’t sure if they’re a waste of money? The truth is when it comes to your money, your vessel, and your registration, you can’t be…

Registering A Boat with The Coast Guard Using Our Portal

Registering your boat with the Coast Guard is not as difficult as imagined. The Coast Guard’s straightforward, step-by-step system makes registering and documenting your boat easy. If you plan to use your boat in U.S. waters, you must abide by several federal laws. In terms of importance, the USCG Navigation Act of 1920 and the…

How Long Does it Take to Process US Coast Guard Documentation?

When purchasing a vessel you may have noticed the different types of paperwork you need to issue to comply with the federal or state regulations. What type of license you get and where to register your boat will depend on some characteristics, like the size of your vessel or the use you give to it.…

Ship Documentation and Endorsements: Using Your Vessel How You Want

Do you know how you want to use your vessel but aren’t sure about the corresponding form of ship documentation? Are you filling your initial documentation application and have made it to Section J that asks for “Endorsements for Which Application is Made?” When you get your vessel documented, you have to pick an endorsement.…