The Process of Watercraft Registration Made Easier

Purchasing and owning a boat places responsibility on your shoulders. The maintenance of a vessel of any size can take time and money, but it is necessary so you can keep the ship seaworthy and safe. Beyond that, you also have responsibilities when it comes to the paperwork involved with your boat. You may have…

Everything You Might Need for Boat Online Registration

Boat online registration can be confusing. For many vessel owners, it can feel like a pop quiz that there was no way to study for. It’s natural to get overwhelmed by all of the different forms that you have to fill out, the deadlines, and so forth. We get that. Indeed, that’s why we built…

US Boat Registry is Easier to Join Than it Seems

If you’re a new vessel owner, then you are probably just learning about the US boat registry. This will be very important for you to be aware of since it’s very likely that you will need to register your vessel in it and obtain a certificate of documentation. It’s understandable that you might have questions…

USCG Exchange or Transfer of Ownership

Purchasing a boat is a very exciting time in the life of a young sailor or skipper. Likewise, selling a boat is equally as exhilarating in many ways. Whether you are making a purchase or unloading the vessel to be canvased to further destinations unknown, there is much to do before dotted lines get signed,…

Things to Consider Before You Renew Your USCG Documentation

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of renewing your USCG documentation, but the process will be a snap if you have the appropriate knowledge. Before you go ahead and renew your papers, here are some things you should think about. How frequently do you take it out on the water? Which aspect of…

A Better Way for Boat Online Registration Every Time

Have you ever filled out an important documentation form, whether it was online or in person, and thought to yourself: “geez, I hope that went through?” Did you ever find yourself feeling triumphant after having completed a difficult piece of paperwork and sending it in, only to be left with lingering doubts that something was…

Finding the Right National Vessel Documentation Center

Knowing about the National Vessel Documentation Center is essential if you’re a boat owner with a USCG vessel identification number. Keeping your information up-to-date is critical since this entity handles all vessel paperwork in the United States. It’s essential to know the basics regarding this facility. Certain boats don’t need to be registered at all.…

Avoid Overpaying When You Renew Your Boat Registration

Are you worried about wasting money to renew boat registration? Does it feel like it costs too much money to take care of vessel documentation? If you’ve felt that, you aren’t alone. The truth is that, unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous people out there who would charge you exorbitant rates to renew your vessel registration…

Understanding Documentation of Your Vessel

Congratulations! You finally have found the boat of your dreams and you are ready to make your purchase. Your next course of action should be centered on ensuring you have the proper documentation moving forward. It’s not enough to hand over the money and call the boat yours. It can be a confusing, long and…

USCG Documentation Center Tips for Cold Weather Boating

As winter approaches, boating on rivers and lakes arises considerable concerns. The USCG Documentation Center issued several safety tips onboard. Pay attention to them to enjoy the full winter-boating season. There is no time like the present to get on your boat and head out to the water, even if it is that time of…

In Time, Money, and More: How Much Is It to Register a Boat?

The costs for vessel registration are not as expensive as the costs for not getting vessel registration. Should you take your vessel out without the proper registration, you expose yourself to heavy fines and worse. Here at our site, we’ve devised a way to get your vessel documentation covered in the fastest way possible. That…

Better Access to the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

The Coast Guard boat registration database is specifically designed to keep track of registered vessels. It has quite a bit of information on vessels that are registered, which can come in handy when you’re researching a vessel you’ve had your eye on or even if you’re just curious about what’s out there. However, as great…

USCG Licensing from As Far As the Eye Can See

At the risk of saying something that’s too obvious, boat owners like to be on their boats. They don’t like to sit around, they don’t like to spend too much time on land, and they hate to have something keep them from doing what they want to do. Taking care of USCG licensing and registration,…

Vessel Documentation Portal Protected by SSL Encryption

The new Vessel Documentation Portal from the U.S. Coast Guard is now SSL encrypted, making it more secure for users. The USCG made this adjustment to protect the personal information of all boat owners. There is a process that vessel owners must go through before using the VDP. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption ensures that…

Processing for the National Vessel Documentation Center

You may not have known that the Maritime Paperwork Center and the NVDC are responsible for processing documentation for boats that have been documented following the United States Coast Guard statutes. This comprises the registration of vessels, the measurement of tonnage, and the issuance of inspection certificates. For vessel owners and operators, it is essential…