Common Questions about USCG Documentation (And Their Answers)

Do you have questions about USCG documentation but aren’t sure who to ask about them? When you talk to fellow boat owners about the ins and outs of documentation, do you get contradictory answers that don’t quite “add up?” When it comes to vessel documentation, you want to know the real truth before you make…

Why Document a Vessel

Document a Vessel: Reasons and Ways to Do So

Owning a boat is an exciting venture and one of the best parts about it is being able to explore different waterways. While you may feel ready to set out on your journey, you may have to document your vessel first. There are some who can choose to document a vessel and there are those…

How Can You Do a Vessel Documentation Search Online?

Did you know that you can do a vessel documentation search online? Yes, this is correct! All you need is a computer with an internet connection and a few minutes on your hands to complete this activity. To verify whether any liens have been filed against your vessel, you may use this tool to check…

How Getting a USCG Abstract of Title Can Help You

You have spent months looking through online advertisements, publications, and ship brokers for a recreational vessel that suits all your wants and needs. None of them had seemed just right to you until just now when you came across that ship for sale that is ideal. It is the right size, has the features and…

USCG Documentation Forms and Winter Safety

All year long, we provide you with USCG documentation forms and service. That means that we have all of the Certificates of Documentation, Change of Vessel Name or Hailing Port files and the like that you could ever be looking for. One thing we always want to emphasize is safe boating. Being out on a…

Ready to Renew Your Coast Guard Documentation?

You have spent the last year making the most of every moment you could on your boat. Since you made the purchase, you have loved your time out on the water with friends, family, or even by yourself. You made sure you did everything right after you bought your boat, going through the registration process…

Boat Licensing and Registration that Keeps Up with the Times

Boats have advanced quite a bit in just the last few years. If you go back even within the last decade, you’ll see that boats have come a long way. The engines, the designs, what can be done on the boats and the kind of tech that they have – all of these have evolved,…

The Importance of The USCG Documented Vessel List

When you are in the process of buying a boat, you are likely to find that the dealer will ask you if you would like to document your vessel with the US Coast Guard. This is one way to provide yourself with protection while in US waters, but you may be torn between choosing to…

What You Need To Know Before Purchasing a Boat

There it is – the boat you have always imagined owning. You see the listing on a website with a broker, or in a local listing, and you love the pictures as well as the description of the boat. You make time to go to see the boat for yourself, and it looks perfect in…

The Convenience of Processing USCG Vessel Documentation Online

Did you know that you can process all USCG vessel documentation online? Sure, for the most part, it’s just about a click of a button. Maintain the status of your vessel with the convenience of online processing! You’ll enjoy all of the advantages of safe, dependable processing and the tremendous convenience of doing it all…

Bill of Sale for a Boat: Four Things You Need to Know

This article intends to give you a concise yet complete answer to the most common questions regarding the bill of sale for a boat, up-to-date to 2021. At the Maritime Documentation Center, we always strive to provide vessel owners with the answers they’re looking for. Our website serves as a three-step system for users to…

Documented Vessel Number

If you have a documented vessel, you have a documented vessel number. You may wonder why you would want to get your vessel documented and how the process would work. There are many benefits to getting your documented vessel numbers, but it’s not for everyone. Some vessels have to be documented, whereas others shouldn’t be…

How Do You Document a Boat on Our Website? (Easy And Fast!)

If you are the happy owner of a United States Coast Guard vessel, you are probably aware that it must be recorded with the Maritime Documentation Center (MDC). But how do you document a boat? The Marine Data Center (MDC) is an online system that stores information on ships and their owners. Using this system,…

Great Time of Year for USCG Documentation

The winter months in the United States can be difficult for boaters. You may want to go out on your vessel as you did in the summer only for it to be too cold to do. Or, maybe you do go out on your vessel but you have to put on so many layers of…

Can You do a Coast Guard Documented Vessel Search by Owner?

Because buying a boat is such a large purchase for you, you naturally want to take your time, examine all your options, and get as much information as possible before you sign any bill of sale. More people today look to the secondary market to buy boats because they can find a better deal from…