It is essential to keep valuable materials such as vessel documentation, a seaman’s book, and an engineer’s license up to date. It is critical for individuals who work on board, particularly those responsible for the vessel’s technical components, to have accurate paperwork on hand. For vessel owners, it is critical to make sure that their…
MARAD Wavier Explained
Of all of the different forms on our vessel documentation services site, the MARAD Waiver, or the MARAD Small Vessel Waiver Program, specifically, is one that we get the most questions about. To be clear, this is not a kind of vessel documentation that will apply to all that many boat owners. That being said,…
An Abstract of Title: The Complete History of a Vessel
Have you been researching a vessel that you’re interested in, yet you don’t feel like you can trust any of the information sources you’ve come across? Does it seem like there’s no way to find out exactly what the real history of a vessel is? When considering buying a vessel, you need to know absolutely…
The Importance of the Abstract Of Title When You Buy a Boat
The vessel abstract of title is sometimes dismissed as insignificant, yet it is a highly essential document. The abstract of title for a vessel establishes the vessel’s ownership and may be used as evidence in the event of a dispute. If you’re contemplating purchasing or selling a boat, be sure to get a copy of…
Coast Guard Documentation to Stay Legal in the Summer and After
Summer may be winding down, but there’s still time to get out on the water. Once August ends and Fall begins, it’s not like bodies of water are going away. There’s plenty of time to enjoy what the water has to offer in 2020, whether you’re doing so for recreation or business purposes. That said,…
Updated information on What the Abstract of Title Is
For some, buying and maintaining a boat is the epitome of the American Dream. While purchasing the boat is certainly an achievement, it is important to realize that it is all a major investment that requires quite a bit of thought and commitment. Before you drop anchor off the coast of Key West, there are some…
The Ways Our USCG National Documentation Center Saves You Time
When you go online to find a way to complete your vessel documentation, does it feel like instead of making it easier to fill out these forms, everything you see makes it more difficult? Does it feel like it shouldn’t be that hard to complete some online forms? Those are some of the ideas we…
Obtaining a National Vessel Documentation Center Abstract of Title
Knowing as much as you can about a big purchase of an item like a luxury boat or yacht just makes good sense. You do not want to invest the kind of money necessary to buy an item like this without knowing as much as possible about it first. You may take a lot of…
All about a Boat Bill of Sale
There’s no pleasure in life quite like having a boat. Taking your boat out on the water is an experience, no matter where you are. Maybe you’re out on the lake with the people you care about most. Perhaps you’ve decided to start your own maritime business, and you need a great boat to take…
Coast Guard Documentation Q&A
Q: What is a Coast Guard Documentation Number? A: The Coast Guard Documentation Number is the official number of a documented vessel. This number is to be prominently displayed on the vessel, signifying its documented status. This number stays with the vessel for the vessel’s lifetime. When someone sends in their form to get their…
Boat Abstract of Title 2021 Update: What You Need to Know
Has it been a while since you purchased a new vessel? Have you been trying to do research into one vessel or another but want to make sure that you’re getting information that you know is correct? If so, then you’re going to need a boat Abstract of Title. This form can be invaluable, giving…
How to Maintain Your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation
You finally got your US Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation – are you worried about how you’re going to maintain it? Have you forgotten exactly when and for how long your certificate is valid? It can take a lot of work and time to get your initial documentation. So, the last thing any vessel owner…
US Coast Guard Documentation for Small Vessels Sans Documentation: MARAD
Do you have a vessel that you aren’t sure what to do with? Is there a vessel in your possession that you think may be foreign-built but you still want to see how you can use it in a commercial capacity legally? If you’ve looked at our FAQ and some of our other blogs, then…
A Coast Guard Portal that Opens Up a New World of Freedom
Do you feel obligated to complete your vessel documentation, yet, when the time comes to do so, find that you would rather do just about anything else? Does it seem like whenever you sit down to complete these forms, you just keep putting it off and putting it off until you just give up entirely?…
Registering Your Vessel with NVDC Forms
As the owner of a brand-new vessel, you want to show it off, and you also want to protect it, and make sure that it will be safe in US waters. You also want to make sure that if you are stopped by state led marine patrols that you are able to provide them with…