Don’t Get Bogged Down in U.S. Vessel Registration Forms

The excitement you feel when you purchase your first yacht, or large pleasure vessel can seem immeasurable to you. You cannot wait for that first trip you take with family or friends or even just for the day when you can take the boat out for a few hours to enjoy the waters. However, before…

How to Stay on the USCG Boat Registry

Have you recently gone through some kind of life change that you worry could affect your vessel’s position on the USCG boat registry? Do you have this nagging suspicion in the back of your head that there’s something you should do to stay in compliance with the USCG, but aren’t sure what it is? The…

What’s in a Vessel’s Abstract of Title (and Why You May Need One)

Have you had your eye on a particular vessel but aren’t sure if it’s a good idea to buy it? Did you do your research on a vessel yet don’t know if you can trust what you’ve found? These are concerns that potential vessel owners have had seemingly forever. Before you purchase a vessel, you…

Maritime Documents

Navigate Maritime Documents With Ease: Your Guide To A Smooth Boat Purchase This Spring

Springtime heralds the perfect season for setting sail on new maritime adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned vessel operator or a first-time boat owner, understanding the crucial role of maritime documents in your nautical endeavors is essential. One document that remains paramount to a seamless transaction is the Boat Bill of Sale. The Significance Of A…

CG 1258: A Better Way to Complete the Form That Does (Almost) Everything

Are you looking for an easier way to get vessel documentation? Or, did you lose your Certificate of Documentation and need to get a new one? Those are just some of the uses of the form CG-1258. It’s one of the most commonly used forms of vessel documentation (if not the most commonly-used one). At…

documentation forms

The Comprehensive List of Vessel Documentation Forms

Embarking on a maritime journey involves more than just navigating the open waters—it requires mastering the seas of paperwork. In this guide by Vessel Registrar LLC, a premier third-party agency for USCG Documentation processing to NVDC, we’ll explore the comprehensive list of vessel documentation forms. From initial applications to ongoing compliance, these forms play a…

Why Documenting a Vessel May Be the Right Decision

Have you been going back and forth on whether or not you should document your vessel? Did you look into documenting a vessel but aren’t sure if it’s right for you? Over the years, we’ve helped so many vessel owners to determine whether or not it was the right move. Beyond that, we’ve also assisted…

Why Your USCG Documentation Can Help You Avoid Pollution

As a boat owner, you understand the importance of clean waterways. It can affect the water, the wildlife and how your own well being. Having USCG documentation means you are a responsible owner. It can also mean that you care about your environment because you keep your vessel in good, clean repair. If you are…

USCG Documentation Requirements on Registration Number

Are you aware that all boats and vessels registered in your name must meet USCG documentation requirements? We’ll go through the specifics of what’s required and how to make sure your registration number is up to snuff in this article. At least three inches high, the registration number of all USCG verified vessels must be…

Going Through the Coast Guard Licensing Process

Before you move forward with the purchase of that ship you plan to use as part of your business, you want to make sure you take care of all the essential steps. You have your financing all in order if you have any partners they are satisfied, and you are ready to do what you…

How Long Does it Take to Process US Coast Guard Documentation?

When purchasing a vessel you may have noticed the different types of paperwork you need to issue to comply with the federal or state regulations. What type of license you get and where to register your boat will depend on some characteristics, like the size of your vessel or the use you give to it.…

USCG Documentation Forms and Winter Safety

All year long, we provide you with USCG documentation forms and service. That means that we have all of the Certificates of Documentation, Change of Vessel Name or Hailing Port files and the like that you could ever be looking for. One thing we always want to emphasize is safe boating. Being out on a…

How to Perform USCG Documentation Lookup Successfully

Information is important to you whenever you are making a large purchase. When you go to buy a car, you always do research ahead of time, so you know as much as you can about a car you are interested in. When looking at a used car, you can get the background information about the…

Using a Boat Without Being on the Boat Registry: the MARAD Waiver

Do you have a small vessel that you need to use to carry people right now, but it wasn’t made in America? Does it feel like you don’t have any legal options to use this vessel in the manner that you want? When it comes to what is and isn’t allowed on the boat registry,…

Boat Registration Renewal so You’re Ready to Go This Spring

Have you been thinking about getting your boat’s registration renewed but aren’t sure if it’s the right time? Do you feel like the boat registration renewal process is so, so much more challenging than it should be? If you’re a vessel owner who finds yourself procrastinating whenever it’s time to renew your registration, you certainly…