U.S. Coast Guard Requirements

Five Essential U.S. Coast Guard Requirements for Identification

If you own and operate a boat that is registered with the United States Coast Guard, there are certain documents and proof of identification that you must have on file. This is for your own protection, but also for the benefit of others on the water. Coast Guard registration ensures assistance if you have an…

Coast Guard Registered Vessel Search

Coast Guard Registered Vessel Search Made Easy

If you are currently in the process of looking for a new vessel to add to your collection or perhaps looking to buy a boat for the very first time, then something that is definitely an essential part of the process is to check whether or not the vessel in question has previously been registered…

What Is the Coast Guard Registration and Why Is It Mandatory?

If you own a vessel that falls under the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard, you may be curious about what exactly registration is and why it’s required. Every vessel owner in the United States is required to do a Coast Guard registration on their vessels. Any commercial or recreational vessel’s port and starboard sides must…

US Coast Guard Registration in Simple Words

As a boating enthusiast, you probably are, at some point, you must have heard about United States Coast Guard Registration. We know it sounds complicated, so we tried to simplify an explanation of what this type of documentation involves in this article that the Maritime Documentation Center wrote. Without further ado, here’s what you need…