Clearing the Decks: How to Obtain a Vessel Certificate of Deletion in the US

A Certificate of Deletion, or COD, is an important document that the United States Coast Guard (USCG) issues in order to officially remove a vessel from the USCG documentation database. This document is issued in the form of a certificate. When a vessel owner wants to sell their vessel, export it to another country, or…

How and Where to Submit a Certificate of Deletion for your Vessel?

If you are the owner of a vessel that has been removed from the database of registered vessels maintained by the United States Coast Guard (USCG), then you will be required to provide the USCG with a Certificate of Deletion. This certificate serves as proof that all official documents about your vessel have been completely…

Certificate of Deletion Vessel

Certificate of Deletion Vessel: When It’s Time

Have you been considering deleting your vessel from the USCG database? Do you feel like it’s time to move on? In some cases, those wishing for a more permanent change in their life on the sea may need to explore the option of deleting their Vessel Documentation Certificate; this post will give you everything you…

What Can You Do with a Certificate of Deletion?

Are you the proud owner of a boat? If so, congratulations! For pure relaxation, nothing beats being out on the broad seas, and boating with a Certificate of Deletion is a fantastic way to do that. On the other hand, if you’re like most boat owners, you probably don’t take it out very frequently. Most…