Best Ways to Avoid Losing your Boat Title or Registration

The risks of losing a boat title or registrations are well-known to boat owners in the United States. However, not everyone knows how to safeguard their papers from being misplaced or stolen. This article provides advice on preserving your boat’s registration and title. As an added service, we’ll include a few places where people may…

Boat Ownership

Benefits of Boat Ownership for Boat Owners in America

Are you considering taking the plunge and becoming a boat owner? Owning a boat is an incredible privilege. Boats bring people closer to nature, create amazing memories that can last a lifetime, and foster great relationships with friends and family members–all while giving us full access to the jewels of our beautiful oceans. Boat ownership…

Boat Name Database: Picking the Right Name for Your Vessel

Are you considering giving your vessel a new name? Maybe it’s for sentimental reasons, maybe you want to show off your creativity, or perhaps it’s just time for something new.  Whatever the reason, picking out the perfect boat name can be a fun experience if done correctly. After all, you don’t want something that will…